Wednesday 15 July 2020

Plants Page

The yellow Dandelion-type flowers have caused me no end of confusion. Still unable to name this one (having the leaves blurred out I know doesn't help).

I've just added my 'plant page' to the blog - click on the menu tab above or here to see it. Very much a work in progress and it's been a bit of a lockdown project I guess, but for years I've felt frustrated at not being able to put a name to common plants. I'm in awe of those people that can. Some of those very people have been instrumental in helping me identify stuff, and to all of you  - a big THANK YOU! I've loved every moment of what has been, and what will continue to be, a steep learning curve. I know I've barely scratched the surface but I also feel I know a lot more now than I did a few weeks ago.
I really hope it serves as a useful tool for helping other people learn their plants. If nothing else it should give some idea of the common stuff that's out there on our doorstep - much of which would be disregarded by most people as weeds.
I know I've asked for help a lot lately but I'm certain there are mistakes on the new page, so I'd be very grateful for any corrections.
The plants are in a loosely alphabetical order for now. At some point I suspect that will change...

Round-headed Club-rush - thank you Neil for the identification.

Fool's Water-cress.

Procumbent Pearlwort


Knot Grass species - 'Ray's' or 'Sea' possibly?

Miniature flowers and fruits (?) in a sprawling mass.

Knot Grass species - 'Ray's' or 'Sea' possibly?

Common Chickweed?

Stitchwort species?
Wild Rose species.

Wild Rose species - creeping low to the ground.


  1. Hi Matt- suspect the top is Nipplewort (can't see any leaves, but flower type/structure) looks right, then a much scarcer plant- Round-headed Club-rush.

    Below the Fool's Water-cress is a pearlwort-either Procumbent-by far the commonest, but if fleshy leaves by the seas could be Sea Pearlwort.. Could the umbellifer be Alexanders- very common around the coast in Devon?

    Roses can be tricky & need to see if glands & type of gland if present as well as the type of spines/prickles. I find plants a lot easier than micro-moths, though enjoy both!

  2. Thanks again Neil - the Pearlwort was on waste ground beside the estuary and didn't have fleshy leaves as far as I recall, but will check next time I'm there! I'm sure you're right about the Alexanders - hadn't really considered them. Need to do some research on Rose glands. The more I learn the less I know. All the best. Matt
