
Black-bellied Whistling Ducks - Exminster Marshes 20/6/99. Escapees.

Lesser Whistling Duck - Goa April 2018.

Black Brant (adult) - Darts farm 23/1/21.

Red-breasted Goose (adult) - Blackhill Quarry.

Barnacle Geese - Exminster Marshes 30/12/20.

Swan Geese - Exeter Quay 21/2/13. Feral/escapees.

Bar-headed Goose - Blackhill Quarry 15/9/19.
 Snow Goose - Powderham Marshes 7/3/20.
Greylag Goose.

Pink-footed Goose - Turf 23/12/21.

Tundra Bean Goose - Bowling Green.

Russian White-fronted Geese - River Otter 20/12/21.
Bewick's Swan - Nythe, Somerset 15/2/18.

Whooper Swans - Curry Moor, Somerset 13/12/20. Three of thirteen present.

Trumpeter Swan (escape) - Bowling Green Marsh 16/2/05. One of two present.

Egyptian Geese - Starcross 8/4/21.

Ruddy Shelduck - Passage House Inn Dec 1995.

Ruddy Shelduck - Ripley, Hants 6/2/23.
Mandarin (male and female) - Stover CP 1/3/20.
Garganey (male) - Exminster Marshes 23/4/06.

Garganey (male) - near Fethiye, Turkey April 2022. 
Blue-winged Teal - Mansands 8/12/19.

Male Shoveler - Catcott Lows, Somerset 17/2/24.

Baikal Teal (male) - Greylake RSPB, Somerset 17/2/24.

Falcated Duck (male) - Exminster Marshes 1/1/07.
American Wigeon - Matford Marshes 28/1/18.
Black Duck (male) - Slapton Ley 31/3/01.
 Teal (male) - Greylake, Somerset 15/2/18.

Teal - female - Greylake, Somerset 15/2/18.

Green-winged Teal - Matford Pools 2/1/21.
Pochard (male) - Ham Wall 15/2/18.

Ring-necked Duck (male) - Beesands Ley 30/12/21.

Ring-necked Duck (male) - Blackhill Quarry 21/2/22.

Lesser Scaup (female) - Beesands Ley 30/12/21.
Scaup - Decoy Lake.

Eider - male - Dawlish Warren 28/10/20.
Surf Scoter (male) - Labrador Bay 15/3/20.

Bufflehead (Female) - Jamaica Bay April 2000. 
Smew - Chard Reservoir 1/12/19.
 Hooded Merganser (male) - Radipole.

Goosander - Squabmoor Reservoir 7/2/25.

Ruddy Duck - Bowling Green.

Rufous-vented Chachalaca (Ortalis ruficauda ruficauda) - Tobago.

Barbary Partridge - Golf de Soleil, Morocco 15/4/14.

Grey Partridge - Martin Down, Hants 4/6/21.

Indian Peafowl (male) - Goa 4/4/18.

Black-throated Diver - Brixham Harbour 31/12/13.

White-billed Diver - Hayle Estuary.

White-billed Diver - Brixham 31/12/13.

Fulmar - Berry Head 1/6/21.

Cory's Shearwater - about 2 hours out of Plymouth (Brittany ferry to Santander) 7/8/24.

Cory's Shearwater - at sea (Santander-Plymouth) 16/8/24.

Great Shearwater - about 2 hours out of Plymouth (Brittany ferry to Santander) 7/8/24.

Sooty Shearwater (with Great, Cory's and Manx) - c2 hours from Plymouth (Brittany Ferry, Santander - Plymouth) 16/8/24.

Manx Shearwater - about 2 hours out of Plymouth (Brittany ferry to Santander) 7/8/24. And below.

Gannet - at sea (Santander - Plymouth) 16/8/24.

Red-necked Grebe - Beesands Ley 10/3/18.

Slavonian Grebe - Topsham rec 17/8/07. And below.

Black-necked Grebe - Slapton Ley 10/3/18.

Greater Flamingo - Camargue 30/7/08

.Greater Flamingo - Mas D'Agon, Camargue 30/7/08.

Asian Openbill - Goa 7/4/18.
Woolly-necked Stork - Goa April 2018.

Black Stork - Pena Falcon, Monfrague, Spain 1/8/13.

White Stork - Marrakech, Morocco 12/4/14.

Lesser Adjutant - River Sal, Goa 6/4/18.

Black-headed Ibis - Goa April 7/4/18.

Northern Bald Ibis - near Tamri, Morocco 14/4/14.
Glossy Ibis - Exton 23/2/19.

Bittern - River Otter 25/2/10.

Little Bittern (adult male) - near Fethiye, Turkey April 2022.
Cinnamon Bittern - Goa 7/4/18.

Yellow-crowned Night Heron - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 4/8/23.

Juvenile Yellow-crowned Night Heron - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba Aug '23.

Night Heron (first-summer) - Slapton Ley 11/4/21.

Night Herons - near Fethiye, Turkey April 2022.
Green Heron - Tobago.

Green Heron - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 2/8/23.
Striated Heron - River Sal, Goa 6/4/18.

Squacco Heron - near Fethiye, Turkey April 2022.

Squacco Heron (first-summer) - near Fethiye, Turkey April 2022.

Indian Pond Heron - Goa April 2018. And below.

Western Cattle Egret - near Havana, Cuba 3/8/23.
Eastern Cattle Egret - Goa April 2018. Non-breeding bird below.

Great Blue Heron - Texas April 1998.

Purple Heron - near Fethiye, Turkey April 2022.

Juvenile Purple Heron - Porto, Portugal 13/8/24.
Great White Egret - Ham Wall, Somerset 15/2/18.
Medium Egret (Ardea intermedia) - Goa April 2018.

Little Blue Heron - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 6/8/23.
Western Reef Heron (Egretta gularis schistacea) - Goa 6/4/18.

Magnificent Frigatebird - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba Aug '23.
Little Cormorant - Goa April 2018.
Double-crested Cormorant - Central Park, New York 28/4/00. And below.

Shag (desmaresti) - Croatia.
Oriental Darter - Goa April 2018.

Turkey Vulture - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba Aug '23.

Black Vulture - near Aransas, Texas 6/4/1998.

Griffon Vulture - Spain.

Griffon Vulture - Leon, Spain 14/8/24.

Cinereous Vulture - Spain.

Cinereous Vulture - Leon, Spain 14/8/24.
Lammergeier - Pyrenees, Spain 1/4/05

Egyptian Vulture - Monfrague, Spain.

Honey Buzzard - Provence 25/7/08.

White-tailed Eagle - Blackhill Quarry 20/3/21 (Isle of Wight released juvenile).

Short-toed Eagle - Monfrague, Spain August 2013.

Short-toed Eagle - Kefalonia August 2019.

Booted Eagle - Morocco April 2014.

Booted Eagle (dark phase) - Leon, Spain 14/8/24..

Spanish Imperial Eagle - Monfrague, Spain.
Shikra - Goa April 2018. A different individual below.

Goshawk (2cy) - undisclosed site - East Devon.

Marsh Harrier - Exe Reedbed 9/1/22.
Hen Harrier - Woodbury Common 4/10/11.

Pallid Harrier (juvenile) - Colaton Raleigh Common 13/9/18.

Montagu's Harrier - Monfrague, Spain March 05.

Long-legged Buzzard - Fethiye, Turkey 19/4/22.

Black Kite - Goa April 2018.

Black Kite - Leon, Spain 14/8/24.

Brahminy Kite - Goa April 2018. And below.

White-bellied Sea Eagle - Goa April 2018.

Great Bustard - Monfrague, Spain 30/3/05.

Water Rail - Otter estuary 4/3/25.

White-breasted Waterhen - Goa April 2018.

Little Crake - Exminster Marshes 9/4/08.

Little Crake - near Fethiye, Turkey 22/4/22.

Spotted Crake - River Otter 22/8/18.

Spotted Crake - Exminster Marshes 29/3/22.

Sora - Stover Country Park.

Grey-headed Swamphen - Goa April 2018.

Common Cranes - Exminster Marshes 8/2/06.

Stone Curlew - Agadir, Morocco.

Black-winged Stilt (presumed adult female)- La Capeliere, Camargue 6/8/11.

Black-winged Stilt - River Sal, Goa April 2018.

Black-winged Stilt (juv) - Exminster Marshes 1/10/24.

Avocets - Lympstone 14/12/18.

Red-wattled Lapwing - Goa April 2018.

Sociable Lapwing - Bude Marshes 26/12/20. And below.

American Golden Plover - Exminster Marshes.

Little Ringed Plover - Exminster Marshes.

Little Ringed Plover - near Fethiye, Turkey April 2022.

Killdeer - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 2/8/23.

Tibetan Sand Plover C. atrifrons - Goa April 2018. Summer-plumaged bird below.

Greater Sand Plovers - Paphos Lighthouse, Cyprus 3/8/98.

Bronze-winged Jacana - Goa April 2018.

Long-billed Dowitcher - Turf 8/2/25.

Stilt Sandpiper - Tobago.

Little Stint - juvenile - Dawlish Warren 28/10/20.

Pectoral Sandpiper - Bowling Green Marsh 27/9/21.

Semipalmated Sandpiper - Tobago.

Terek Sandpiper - Goa April 2018.

Wilson's Phalarope - Exminster Marshes 4/9/09.

Grey Phalarope - Otter Estuary 26/10/14. And below.

Common Sandpiper - Countess Wear 3/11/18.

Spotted Sandpiper - Passage House Inn Dec 95. And below.

Green Sandpiper - Bowling Green 18/8/18.

Lesser Yellowlegs - Aveton Gifford 28/10/20.

Marsh Sandpiper - Camargue.

Wood Sandpiper - Bowling Green.

Greenshank - Goa April 2018.

Greenshank - Passage House Inn, Teign estuary 29/1/22.

Collared Pratincole - Skern, Northam Burrows 27/4/14. 

Collared Pratincole - near Fethiye, Turkey April 2022.

Great Skua - Horseley Cove, Prawle 2/1/22.

Ivory Gull - Aldeburgh, Suffolk 30/12/1999.

Brown-headed Gull - Goa April 2018.

Ross's Gull - Oreston Quay, Plymouth 14/3/20.

Laughing Gull - adult - Port Calacios, Texas April 1998.

Franklin's Gull - Hayle Estuary.

Juvenile Audoin's Gull - Belem, Lisbon, Portugal 10/8/24. And below.

Ring-billed Gull - first-winter - Young's Park, Goodrington 21/1/1996.

Ring-billed Gull - Hayle, Cornwall.

Ring-billed Gull (first-summer) and American Herring Gull.

Iceland Gull - 2w - Teignmouth 24/2/18.

Juvenile Glaucous Gull - Exeter Quay 17/11/22.

American Herring Gulls - South Street Seaport, New York 28/4/00. And below.

Baltic Gull - Stockholm 9/8/12.

Gull-billed Tern - Goa April 2018.

Caspian Tern - River Clyst 27/6/20.

Little Tern - Dawlish Warren 28/7/05.

Common Tern - St Petersberg, Russia 11/8/12.

Forster's Tern - Ferrybridge, Dorset 2/1/1996.

Brunnich's Guillemot - Portland Harbour 28/12/13.

Black Guillemot - Brixham 31/12/13.

Long-billed Murrelet - Dawlish 11/11/06.

White-crowned Pigeon - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 6/8/23.

Pale-vented Pigeon - Tobago.

Turtle Dove - Agadir, Morocco 11/4/14.

Spotted Dove - Goa April 2018.

Laughing Dove - Agadir, Morocco April 2014.

Laughing Dove - near Fethiye, Turkey April 2022.

Inca Dove - High Island, Texas 5/4/1998.

Mourning Dove - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 1/8/23.

Eared Dove - Tobago.

Zenaida Dove -  Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 6/8/23.

White-winged Dove - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 2/8/23.

Common Ground Dove - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 2/8/23.

White-tipped Dove - Tobago 2001.

Smooth-billed Ani - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 1/8/23.

Greater Coucal - Goa April 2018.

Great Lizard-Cuckoo - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 5/8/23.

Great Lizard-Cuckoo - Villa  Jibacoa, Cuba 6/8/23.

Great Spotted Cuckoo - near Fethiye, Turkey 18/4/22.

Great Spotted Cuckoo - near Calis beach, Turkey 20/4/22.

Asian Koel (female) - Goa April 2018. Male below.

Cuckoo - Woodbury Common.

Barn Owl - Otterton 18/7/18.

Indian Scops Owl - Goa April 2018.

Snowy Owl - Zennor, Cornwall 26/12/08.

Cuban Pygmy Owl - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 7/8/23.

Tawny Owl - Woodbury Common 4/11/17.

Little Owl - near Fethiye, Turkey 21/4/22.

Long-eared Owl - Exminster Marshes.

Antillean Nighthawk - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 1/8/23.

Nightjar (male) - Bicton Common 12/5/22.

Nightjar - Bicton Common 17/5/24.

Blue-crowned Parakeet - Lisbon, Portugal 11/8/24.

Northern White-fringed Antwren (female) - Tobago August 2001.

Antillean Palm Swift (Tachornis phoenicobia iradii)
 - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba Aug '23.

Asian Palm Swift (Cypsiurus balasiensis balasiensis) - Goa April 2018. And below.

Alpine Swift - Kefalonia 28/7/19.

Pallid Swift - Marrakesh, Morocco April 2014.

Pallid Swift (and Alpine Swift) - Kefalonia 28/7/19.

Pallid Swift - Lisbon 9/8/24.

Little Swift - Marrakesh, Morocco April 2014.

Little Swift - Agadir, Morocco 16/4/14.

White-rumped Swift - Extremadura, Spain August 2013.

White-necked Jacobin - Tobago.

Black-throated Mango - Tobago.

Ruby-topaz Hummingbird - Tobago.

Cuban Emerald (male) - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 1/8/23.

Cuban Emerald (female) - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 5/8/23.

Copper-rumped Hummingbird - Tobago.

Roller - Aspro Dam Pools, Cyprus 4/8/98.

Stork-billed Kingfisher - River Sal, Goa 6/4/18.

Pied Kingfisher - River Sal, Goa 6/4/18.

Belted Kingfisher (female) - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 2/8/23. And below.

White-throated Kingfisher - Goa April 2018.

Trinidad Motmot - Tobago 22/8/01. And below.

Cuban Tody - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba August '23.

Cuban Tody - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 5/8/23.

Asian Green Bee-eater - Goa. April 2018.

Blue-tailed Bee-eater - Goa. April 2018.

Bee-eater - Kefalonia July 2019.

Bee-eater (juvenile) - Kefalonia July 2019.

Hoopoe - Monfrague, Spain 29/3/05.

Hoopoe - Lisbon, Portugal 10/8/24.

White-cheeked Barbet - Goa April 2018.

Red-crowned Woodpecker - Tobago 22/8/01.

Red-bellied Woodpecker - Central Park, New York 22/4/00.

West Indian Woodpecker - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 31/7/23.

Cuban Green Woodpecker - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 4/8/23.

Downy Woodpecker - Central Park, New York 22/4/00.

Syrian Woodpecker - near Fethiye, Turkey 17/4/22.

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker - Helsinki, Finland 13/8/12.

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (male) - Dartmoor 1/3/20.

Black-rumped Flameback - Goa. April 2018.

Cuban Trogon - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 5/8/23. And below.

Red-footed Falcon (first-summer male) - Cothlestone Hill, Somerset 20/6/20.

Lesser Kestrels - Zorita, Spain 30/3/05. Two of a small flock.

Male Lesser Kestrel - Leon, Spain 14/8/24.

American Kestrel - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba Aug '23. Dark morph below.

Eleonora's Falcon - Kensington Cliffs, Episkopi, Cyprus 6/8/98. And below.

Hobby - East Devon Commons.

Barred Antshrike - Tobago 22/8/01.

Cuban Peewee - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 1/8/23.

Vermillion Flycatcher - Texas April 1998.

La Sagra's Flycatcher - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 4/8/23.

Tropical Kingbird - Tobago August 2001.

Eastern Kingbird - Texas April 1998.

Gray Kingbird - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba Aug '23.

Loggerhead Kingbird - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 5/8/23.

Ashy Woodswallow - Goa 2018.

Common Iora - Goa 2018.
Brown Shrike - Goa 1/4/18.

Red-backed Shrike (male and juvenile) - Pula, Croatia.

Long-tailed Shrike - Goa April 2018. And below.

Great Grey Shrike - Dartmoor 19/4/19. And below.

Great Grey Shrike (algeriensis) - Tamri estuary, Morocco 14/4/14.

Iberian Grey Shrike - Plasencia, Spain 2/8/13.

Woodchat Shrike (juvenile) - Kefalonia August 2019.

Woodchat Shrike - near Fethiye, Turkey 16/4/22.

Masked Shrike - near Fethiye, Turkey 22/4/22. And below.

Cuban Vireo - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 6/8/23.

Black-whiskered Vireo - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba Aug '23.

Indian Golden Oriole - Goa April 2018.

Eurasian Golden Oriole - Valdemanco, Spain 30/7/13.

Black Drongo - Goa April 2018. And below.

Blue Jay - Ridgewood, New Jersey 20/4/00.

Jay - Pula, Croatia.

Jay atricapillus - near Fethiye, Turkey April 2022.

Iberian Magpie - near Madrid, Spain.

Rufous Treepie - Goa April 2018.

Maghreb Magpie - Agadir, Morocco April 2014.

Chough - The Lizard, Cornwall 4/8/24.

Alpine Chough - Fuente de, Picos de Europa, Spain 5/8/13.

House Crow - Goa April 2018.

Hooded Crow - Pula, Croatia.

Indian Jungle Crow - Goa April 2018.

Waxwings - Newton Abbot 12/2/05. part of a flock of 82 birds outside the cattle market.

Waxwing - Cranbrook 12/3/24.

Coal Tit - Yarner Wood 18/2/18.

Crested Tit - Bolene, Provence 9/8/11.

Tufted Titmouse - Central Park, New York 22/4/00.

Marsh Tit - Yarner Wood 18/2/18.

Black-capped Chickadee - Ridgewood, New Jersey 20/4/00.

African Blue Tit (C.t ultramarinus) - Agadir, Morocco 17/4/14.

Blue Tit - Yarner Wood 18/2/18.

Great Tit (Parus major newtoni) - Yarner Wood 18/2/18.

Great Tit (Parus major corsus) - Calvi, Corsica 27/7/11.

Great Tit (Parus major excelcus) - Agadir Morocco April 2014.

Bearded Tit (male) - Exe Reedbed 4/2/23.

Penduline Tit - Dart's Farm 24/2/15. And below.

Thekla's Lark - between Agadir and Tamri, Morocco 14/4/14.

Thekla's Lark - Morocco April 2014.

Crested Lark - near Fethiye, Turkey April 2022.

Crested Lark - near Fethiye, Turkey April 2022.

Short-toed Lark - near Fethiye, Turkey April 2022.

Calandra Lark (Song-flighting) - Spain March 2005.

Black Lark - South Stack, Anglesey 7/6/03.

Shore Lark - Hurst Spit, Hants 6/2/23.

Red-whiskered Bulbul - Goa April 2018.

Red-vented Bulbul - Goa April 2018.

Common Bulbul - Marrakech, Morocco 12/4/14.

White-browed Bulbul - Goa April 2018.

Sand Martin - Blackhill Quarry 30/5/20.

Tree Swallow - Jamaica Bay, New York.

Cuban Martin - Havana, Cuba 3/8/23.

Swallow - Kefalonia.

Wire-tailed Swallow - Goa April 2018.

 Eastern Red-rumped Swallow and Wire-tailed Swallow - Goa April 2018.

Crag Martin - Porto, Portugal 13/8/24. And below.

House Martin - Exminster Marshes 29/5/15.

Eastern Red-rumped Swallows C. d erythropygia - Goa. April 2018.

Red-rumped Swallow - Kefalonia. And below.

Cetti's Warbler - Exe Reed Bed 24/11/19.

Western Bonelli's Warbler - Valdemanco, Spain 30/7/13.

Eastern Bonelli's Warbler - near Fethiye, Turkey 18/4/22.

Hume's Leaf Warbler - Compton Dando, Somerset 23/2/23.

Siberian Chiffchaff - Countess Wear 18/12/21.

River Warbler - Ham Wall, Somerset 8/6/21.

Great Reed Warbler - near Fethiye, Turkey April 2022.

Clamorous Reed Warbler - Goa April 2018.

Blyth's Reed Warbler - Goa April 2018. And below.

Marsh Warbler - Tipton St John 31/5/20.

 Eastern Olivaceous Warbler - Kefalonia 26/7/19.

Western Olivaceous Warbler - Agadir, Morocco 16/4/14. 

Grasshopper Warbler - Soar.

Fan-tailed Warbler - Morocco 13/4/14.

Fan-tailed Warbler - Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal 12/8/24. And below.

Ashy Prinia - Goa April 2018.

Plain Prinia - Goa April 2018.

Common Tailorbird - Goa April 2018.

Jungle Babbler - Goa. April 2018.

Male Dartford Warbler - Lympstone Common 16/6/24.

Spectacled Warbler - male - Monfrague, Spain 29/3/05.

Western Subalpine Warbler - La Cabrera, Spain 27/7/13.

Moltoni's Warbler - Furiani, Corsica 30/7/11.

Eastern Subalpine Warbler - Croatia.

Sardinian Warbler - Agadir, Morocco April 2014.

Sardinian Warbler - Kefalonia August 2019.

Rüppell’s Warbler (female) - near Fethiye, Turkey 21/4/22.

Corsican Nuthatch - Col de Sorba, Corsica 29/7/11.

White-breasted Nuthatch - Ridgewood, New Jersey 20/4/00.

Krüper’s Nuthatch - Hisaronu, Turkey 21/4/22. And below.

Red-breasted Nuthatch - Central Park, New York 22/4/00.

Treecreeper - Countess Wear 30/12/20.

Short-toed Treecreeper - Provence, France.

Short-toed Treecreeper - Belem, Lisbon 10/8/24.

Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottus orpheus) - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 1/8/23.

Tropical Mockingbird (Mimus gilvus tobagensis) - Tobago August 2001.

Jungle Myna - Goa April 2018.

Common Myna - Goa April 2018.

Crested Myna - Lisbon 11/8/24.

Rose-coloured Starling - Exminster 21/6/19.

Spotless Starling - Agadir, Morocco 16/4/14.

Spotless Starling - Lisbon 11/8/24.

Brahminy Starling - Goa April 2018.

Orange-headed Thrush (male) Geokichla citrina cyanota - Bondla Zoo, Goa 5/4/18.

Hermit Thrush - Central Park, New York 22/4/00. And below.

Blackbird (male) T.m.mauretanicus - Agadir, Morocco April 2014.

Red-legged Thrush - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 1/8/23.

Spectacled Thrush - Tobago August 2001.

American Robin - Central Park, New York 22/4/00.

Oriental Magpie Robin - Goa April 2018.

Mediterranean Flycatcher - juvenile - Calvi, Corsica 27/7/11.

Asian Brown Flycatcher - Goa April 2018.

Nightingale - Plasencia, Spain 3/8/13.

Pied Flycatcher - male - Yarner Wood 6/5/18.

Moussier's Redstart - near Tamri, Morocco 14/4/14.

Blue Rock Thrush - (male) - Saklikent Gorge, Turkey 20/4/22.

Siberian Stonechat - Soar 28/10/12.

Pied Bushchat - Goa April 2018.

Female Pied Bushchat - Goa April 2018.

Isabelline Wheatear - Colyford Common 20/12/22.

Desert Wheatear - Thurlestone 20/12/16. And below.

Western Black-eared Wheatear (male) - Monfrague, Spain 30/3/05.

Cyprus Wheatear - Cyprus 4/8/98.

Eastern Black-eared Wheatear (male) - near Fethiye, Turkey 20/4/22.

Black Wheatear - Tamri estuary, Morocco 14/4/14.

Dipper - Tiverton 11/3/17.

Golden-fronted Leafbird - Bondla Zoo, Goa 5/4/18.

Pale-billed Flowerpecker - Goa April 2018.

Purple-rumped Sunbird - Goa 1/4/18.

Purple Sunbird - Goa April 2018.

Italian Sparrow - Calvi, Corsica 27/7/11.

Spanish Sparrows - near Fethiye, Turkey 17/4/22.

Tree Sparrow - Tordesillas, Spain 3/8/13.

White-rumped Munia - Goa April 2018.

Alpine Accentor - Fuente de, Picos de Europa, Spain 5/8/13.

Male Yellow-crowned Bishop - Vila Franca de Xira, near Lisbon, Portugal 12/8/24.

Common Waxbill - Vila Franca de Xira, near Lisbon, Portugal 12/8/24.

Forest Wagtail - Bondla Zoo, Goa 5/4/18.

Eastern Yellow Wagtail - Colyford 12/12/10.

Eastern Yellow Wagtail - Goa April 2018.

Grey-headed Wagtail - (male) - near Fethiye, Turkey April 2022.

Ashy-headed Wagtail - Thurlestone 17/4/06.

Black-headed Wagtail - near fethiye, Turkey 21/4/22. 

Yellow Wagtail 'Beema' - Fethiye, Turkey April 2022.

Citrine Wagtail (male) - near Fethiye, Turkey 23/4/22.

White-browed Wagtail - Goa April 2018.

Tawny Pipit - near Fethiye, Turkey 19/4/22.

Paddyfield Pipit (Anthus rufulus rufulus) - Goa 3/4/18. And below.

American Buff-bellied Pipit - Horseley Cove, Prawle 2/1/22.

Berthelot's Pipit - near Playas de las Americas, Tenerife 9/8/99.

Red-throated Pipit - near Fethiye, Turkey 16/4/22. 

African Chaffinch (Fringilla spodiogenys africana) - Golf de Soleil, Morocco 15/4/14.

Tenerife Blue Chaffinch - Mount Teide, Tenerife 7/8/99.

Brambling - Sowden Lane, Lympstone 14/1/18.

Hawfinch - near Pula, Croatia 2017.

Hawfinch - Exwick 28/1/18.

House Finch - Central Park, New York 22/4/00.

Citril Finch - Mont Ventoux, France 9/8/06.

Corsican Finch (juvenile) - Furians, Corsica 28/7/11.

Serin - Turkey April 2022.

Serin (juvenile) - Lisbon 11/8/24.

Atlantic Canary - Tenerife 7/8/99.

American Goldfinch - Central Park, New York 28/4/00.

Siskin - Yarner Wood 18/2/18.

Siskin (male) - Yarner Wood 18/2/18.

Trumpeter Finch (male - presumed B.g. crassirostris) - near Fethiye, Turkey 19/4/22.

Snow Bunting - Slapton Sands 30/12/21.

Ortolan Bunting (male) - Turkey 20/4/22.

Cretzschmar's Bunting (male) - Fethiye 18/4/22.

Little Bunting - Broadsands, Torbay 15/3/24.

Rock Bunting (juvenile) - Mont Ventoux, France 9/8/06.

House Bunting - Marrakesh, Morocco 12/4/14.

Song Sparrow - Ridgewood, New Jersey 29/4/00.

White-throated Sparrow - Central Park, New York 22/4/00.

Dark-eyed Junco - Westward Ho! 27/4/19.

Eastern Towhee - Central Park, New York 22/4/00.

Eastern Meadowlark - Texas April 1998.

Red-winged Blackbird - Celery Farm, Allendale, New Jersey 20/4/00.

Tawny-shouldered Blackbird - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 5/8/23.

Cuban Blackbird - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba Aug '23.

Common Grackle - Celery Farm, Allendale, New Jersey 20/4/00.

Greater Antillean Grackle - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 1/8/23.

Carib Grackle - Tobago 2001.

Shiny Cowbird (juvenile) - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 7/8/23.

Mangrove Warbler (Setophaga petechia gundlachi) - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 5/8/23. And below.

Mangrove Warbler (juvenile) - Cuba August '23.

Black-and-White Warbler - Central Park, New York 28/4/00.

Myrtle Warbler - Celery Farm, Allendale, New Jersey 20/4/00.

Louisiana Waterthrush - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 4/8/23.

Yellow-headed Warbler - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 5/8/23.

Northern Cardinal - Ridgewood, New Jersey 29/04/00.

Western Spindalis - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 6/8/23.

Blue-grey Tanager - Tobago August 2001.

Blue-grey Tanager - Tobago August 2001.

White-lined Tanager - Tobago 22/8/01.

Palm Tanager - Tobago 25/8/01.

Red-legged Honeycreeper (female) - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 2/8/23.

Cuban Bullfinch - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 6/8/23.

Yellow-faced Grassquit (male) - Villa Jibacoa, Cuba 2/8/23.

Black-faced Grassquit - Tobago August 2001.

Bananaquits - Tobago 22/8/01.

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