Bar-headed Goose - Shardeloes, Bucks 1/4/03.
'Greenland' White-fronted Goose - South Hush 3/1/04.
Egyptian Goose - Bowling Green Marsh August 2000.
Baikal Teal - Greylake, Somerest 8/1/22.
Garganey - Powderham 16/4/02.
Shoveler - Passage House Inn, River Teign 24/9/96.
Gadwall - Bowling Green 17/8/03.
King Eider - Appledore 20/2/08.
Eider - Exmouth seafront 8/7/03.
Bufflehead - Roadford Reservoir 21/11/98.
Goosander - river Otter 21/3/05.
Red Grouse - Derwent Reservoir 25/2/03.
Quail - Orcombe Point 25/9/10.
Eastern Whip-poor-will - Boy Scout's Wood, Texas April 1998.
Short-tailed Swift - Tobago 23/8/01.
White-necked Jacobin - Tobago 2001.
Rufous-breasted Hermit - Tobago 19/8/01.
Ruby-topaz Hummingbird - Tobago August 2001.
White-tailed Sabrewing - Tobago 2001.
Copper-rumped Hummingbird - Tobago August 2001.
Great Bustard (and Calandra Lark) - Extremadura, Spain 2005.
Great Bustard (and Iberian Grey Shrike) - Extremadura, Spain 2005.
Little Bustard - Extremadura, Spain 2005.
Pale-vented Pigeon - Tobago 15/8/01.
Ruddy Ground Dove - Tobago August 2001.
White-tipped Dove and Eared Dove - Tobago August 2001.
Zenaida Dove - Barbados Airport August 2001.
Pied-billed Grebe - Radley Gravel Pits, Oxfordshire 2/5/92.
Black-winged Stilt - South Huish.
Sociable Lapwing - Bude Marshes 26/12/20.
Siberian Sand Plover - Keyhaven Marshes, Hants 23/7/03.
Wattled Jacana - Rex Turtle Beach, Tobago 27/8/01.
Red-necked Phalarope (juvenile) - South Huish 26/8/03.
Lesser Yellowlegs - Exminster Marshes 23/5/03.
Willet - Tobago August 2001.
Broad-billed Sandpiper - Bowling Green Marsh 13/7/04.
Least Sandpiper - Thurlestone 30/8/05.
Western Sandpiper - Rex Turtle Beach, Tobago 26/8/01.
Sooty Tern - Tobago August 2001.
Least Tern - Rye Harbour 18/6/92.
Caspian Tern - Dawlish Warren 27/7/04.
Black Tern - Exmouth seafront 23/6/03.
Common Tern.
Cabot's Tern - Tobago August 2001.
Royal Tern - Tobago August 2001.
Ross's Gull - Plymouth 18/2/02.
Slender-billed Gull - Majorca November 1997.
Franklins Gull - Hope's Nose 31/3/01.
Audouin's Gull - Majorca November 1997.
Ring-billed Gull - river Teign 19/3/05.
Caspian Gull - river Otter.
Caspian Gull - river Otter 26/1/12.
Great Black-backed Gull - river Plym 18/1/03.
Pomarine Skua - Exmouth seafront 3/5/11.
Black Guillemot - Budleigh Beach 3/3/08.
Scopoli's Shearwater - Majorca November 1997.
Balearic Shearwater - Exmouth seafront 4/7/10.
Bittern - Stover Country Park.
Yellow-crowned Night Heron - Tobago August 2001.
Tri-colored Heron
Snowy Egret - Jamaica Bay 24/4/00.
Squacco Heron - Newton Abbot 4/10/05.
Great Egret - Powderham Park 31/8/03.
Cattle Egret - Rickmansworth 3/5/92.
Osprey - Mudbank 8/9/03.
Short-toed Eagle - Montagne de Lure, France 11/8/92.
Short-toed Eagle - La Simioune, Provence 1/8/03.
Bonelli's Eagle - France 4/8/03.
Marsh Harrier - Exminster Marshes 13/5/01.
Black Kite - Durlestone Country Park 6/6/92.
Rough-legged Buzzard - Crows-an-Wra, Cornwall 4/1/02.
Barn Owl - Bowling Green Marsh 4/3/03.
Snowy Owl - Zennor, Cornwall 26/12/08.
Rufous-tailed Jacamar - Tobago August 2001.
Wryneck - north Hallsands 20/9/03.
Red-headed Woodpecker - Texas April 1998.
Red-bellied Woodpecker - Ridgewood New Jersey 16/4/00.
Middle Spotted Woodpecker - Prague Dec 2003.
Middle Spotted Woodpecker - Langres, France 12/8/11.
Northern Flicker - New York 2000.
Black Woodpecker - Mussey France July 1992.
Iberian Green Woodpecker - near Balaguer, Spain 25/10/04.
Lesser Kestrel - La Crau, France 24/8/03.
Red-footed Falcon - Durlestone Country Park, Dorset 4/6/95.
Red-footed Falcon - Prawle 27/5/96.
Red-footed Falcon - Exminster Marshes 11/6/10.
Eleonora's Falcon - Majorca November 1997.
Monk Parakeet - Barcelona.
Green-rumped Parrotlet - Tobago August 2001.
Ring-necked Parakeet - Amsterdam 2/6/02.
Northern White-fringed Antwren - Tobago August 2001.
Barred Antshrike (female) - Tobago August 2001.
Streaked Flycatcher - Tobago August 2001.
Fork-tailed Flycatcher - Tobago August 2001.
Grey Kingbird - Tobago August 2001.
Scrub Greenlet - Tobago August 2001.
Lesser Grey Shrike - Norfolk.
Woodchat Shrike - Hope's Nose 28/3/90.
Woodchat Shrike - Berry Head 14/6/97.
Jackdaw - Powderham Sawmills 1/4/02.
Penduline Tit - Somerset.
Penduline Tit - Slapton Ley 5/1/04.
Calandra Lark - Ermita de San Frutos, Spain 31/3/05.
Black Lark - South Stack, Anglessey.
Carribean Martin - Tobago August 2001.
European Red-rumped Swallow - South Huish.
Western Bonelli's Warbler - La Simioune, France 2/8/03.
Yellow-browed Warbler - Soar 20/10/01.
Iberian Chiffchaff - Kingswear 27/5/03.
Booted Warbler - Portland Bill 17/8/02.
Lesser Whitethroat - Orcombe Point 7/10/04.
Balearic Warbler - Majorca November 1997.
Corsican Nuthatch - Col de Sorba, Corsica 29/7/11.
Wallcreeper - near Riglos, Spain 1/4/05.
Tropical Mockingbird - Tobago 14/8/01.
Brown Thrasher - Jamaica Bay 24/4/00.
Black-throated Thrush (male) - Webheath 17/2/96.
Yellow-legged Thrush - Tobago August 2001.
White-necked Thrush - Tobago August 2001.
White-spotted Bluethroat - Netherlands.
Red-flanked Bluetail - Rame Head Cornwall October 1999.
Rock Sparrow - near Pamplona, Spain 3/4/05.
White-winged Snowfinch - Reitz, near Innsbruck Austria Feb 1998.
Eastern Yellow Wagtail - Colyford 12/12/10.
Citrine Wagtail - Bude 4/5/97.
Red-throated Pipit - Skern, Northam Burrows 4/5/03.
Water Pipit - Topsham rec 19/1/01.
Lapland Bunting - Soar 28/10/01.
Corn Bunting - Orcombe Point 17/11/07.
Pine Bunting (male) - Dagenham Chase 15/2/92.
Rock Bunting - Mont Ventoux, France 7/8/03.
Little Bunting - Slapton Ley 2/4/89
Grasshopper Sparrow - Texas April 1998.
Olive Sparrow - Texas April 1998.
Lark Sparrow - Texas April 1998.
Chipping Sparrow - Texas April 1998.
Chipping Sparrow - New Jersey April 2000.
Clay-coloured Sparrow - Texas April 1998.
Field Sparrow - Texas April 1998.
White-crowned Sparrow - Texas April 1998.
White-throated Sparrow - Texas April 1998.
Vesper Sparrow - Texas April 1998.
Savannah Sparrow - Texas April 1998.
Song Sparrow - Ridgewood, New Jersey 23/4/00.
Lincoln's Sparrow - Texas April 1998.
Swamp Sparrow - Texas April 1998.
Rufous-crowned Sparrow - Texas April 1998.
Bobolink - Soar 20/9/91.
Brown-headed Cowbird (and American Goldfinch) - Ridgewood, New Jersey April 2000.
Worm-eating Warbler - Texas April 1998.
Northern Waterthrush - Portland Bill October 1996.
Blue-winged Warbler - Texas April 1998.
Black-and-white Warbler.
Prothonotary Warbler - Texas April 1998.
Orange-crowned Warbler - - Texas April 1998.
Kentucky Warbler - Texas April 1998.
Cerrulean Warbler - Texas April 1998.
Northern Parula - Texas April 1998.
Magnolia Warbler - Texas April 1998.
Blackburnian Warbler.
American Yellow Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler and Hooded Warbler - Texas April 1998.
Pine Warbler - New York 2000.
Myrtle Warbler - New York 2000.
Yellow-throated warbler - Texas April 1998.
Golden-cheeked Warbler - Texas April 1998.
Black-throated Green Warbler - Texas April 1998.
Western Tanager - Texas April 1998.
Dickcissel - Texas April 1998.
Indigo Bunting - Texas April 1998.
White-lined Tanager (female) - Tobago August 2001.
Blue-grey Tanager - Tobago August 2001.
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