Still very early days with regards to learning plant identification. Please let me know what needs correcting/amending. Ordered alphabetically for now...
Common Agrimony - Orcombe Point June 2020. A common flower in Exmouth.
Hemp Agrimony - Blackhill Quarry 23/7/20.
Alexanders - The Maer 13/3/21.
Green Alkanet - Maer Valley 23/6/21.
Allseed Radiola linoides - Aylesbeare Common 9/7/21.
Four-leaved Allseed Polycarpon tetraphyllum - Carter Avenue, Exmouth 5/6/21.
Wood Anemone - East Budleigh Common 28/3/21.
Wild Angelica - Stover CP 8/7/20.
Arrowhead - Ham Wall, Somerset 29/7/21.
Garden Asparagus - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Bog Asphodel - Colaton Raleigh Common 24/6/21.
Sea Aster - Mudbank 1/8/20. Growing on sea wall.
Wood Avens - Foxholes, Exmouth 23/5/21.
Himalayan Balsam - River Otter 1/7/20. Invasive.
Red Bartsia - Mudbank, Exmouth 3/7/20. Quite an obscure little plant. So far I've only seen it along the footpath between the Mudbank viewing platform and the coach park, and in the Millennium plantation.
Yellow Bartsia - Dawlish Warren 22/6/20.
Wild Basil - Chudleigh 8/7/20.
Basil Thyme - Martin Down, Hants 26/6/21.
Bastard Balm - Chudleigh 31/5/21.
Heath Bedstraw - Woodbury Common 2/6/21.
Hedge Bedstraw - Mudbank 15/7/20.
Lady's Bedstraw - Weston 11/7/20.
Marsh Bedstraw - River Otter 13/7/20. Brown anthers. Growing in the ditches.
Sea Beet - Sandy Bay 21/7/20.
Ivy-leaved Bellflower - near Cold East Cross, Dartmoor 14/7/20.
Betony - Woodbury Common 5/7/20. Also found at Bystock, around the edge of the meadow.
Bilberry - Dartmoor 25/4/21.
Black Bindweed - Otter Cliffs 13/7/20.
Field Bindweed - Orcombe Point 5/7/20. Violet anthers.
Hedge or Great Bindweed - Blackhill Quarry.
Sea Bindweed - The Maer 23/6/21.
Bird's-foot - Dawlish Warren 1/5/21.
Amphibious Bistort - Ham Wall, Somerset 29/7/21.
Hairy Bitter-cress - Lympstone 21/2/21. Four anthers.
Wavy Bitter-cress - Orcombe Point 26/7/20. Growing in a damp spot. Six anthers.
Bittersweet (also known as Woody Nightshade) - Mudbank 25/7/20.
Blackthorn - Orcombe Point 3/10/20.
Blinks - Dawlish Warren 1/5/21.
Bluebell - Withycombe Raleigh Common 17/5/21.
American Blue-eyed Grass - Dawlish Warren 22/6/20.
Bog Bean - Aylesbeare Common 30/5/21.
Borage - Duckpond, Exmouth 2/6/21.
Bramble - Exmouth
Bramble - Blackhill Quarry 3/8/20.
Bramble - Maer Valley 23/6/21.
Brooklime - Maer Valley 23/6/21.
Brookweed - Maer Valley 23/6/21.
Broom - Seaton 31/7/20.
Carrot Broomrape - Berry Head 1/6/21. Several spikes seen - all close to Wild Carrot - no Ivy present.
Common Broomrape - Kenfig, Glamorgan 10/7/21. On Sea Holly.
Ivy Broomrape - Madeira Walk, Exmouth 30/6/20. Three of around 30 spikes just behind the cricket club.
Ivy Broomrape - Dunscombe Cliffs, near Weston 11/7/20.
Knapweed Broomrape - Noar Hill, Hants 26/6/21.
Broomrape sp - Fethiye, Turkey April 2022.
Black Bryony - Gore Lane, Exmouth 27/5/21.
White Bryony - Noar Hill, Hants 26/6/21.
Bugle - Veiges Plantation, Exmouth 13/5/21.
Bugloss - Mudbank 25/7/20.
Viper's Bugloss - Orcombe Point.
Burdock Species - Mudbank 4/7/20.
Burnet Saxifrage - Billacombe, Plymouth 18/7/21.
Burr Chervil -The Maer 18/5/21.
Branched Bur-reed - Clyst St Mary 21/7/20.
Butcher's Broom - Mudbank 27/3/21.
Butterbur - near Woodbury 17/3/21.
Bulbous Buttercup (and below) - Maer Valley 3/8/20.
Corn Buttercup - Fivehead Arable Fields 4/7/21.
Creeping Buttercup - Bystock 10/7/20.
Meadow Buttercup (and photo below) - Exminster Marshes 6/7/20.
Small-flowered Buttercup - Sandy Bay 5/5/21. Masses on short turf around caravans.
Pale Butterwort - Bicton Common. Found in boggy areas on the commons. This is a carnivorous plant. Sticky glands on the leaves trap insects which provide the plant's nutrition.
Common Calamint - Lincombe 30/7/20. Crushed leaves very aromatic - minty.
Bladder Campion - Madeira Walk, Exmouth 20/6/21.
Sea Campion - Slapton Beach 28/10/20. Flat along the ground at the top of the beach.
Red Campion.
Presumed Red x White Campion - Mudbank/Duckpond 15/6/21.
Rose Campion - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
White Campion - Mudbank 4/7/20.
Wild Carrot - between Mudbank and the coach park July 2020. Note the purple flowers in the centre of the flower.
Nottingham Catchfly - Dunscombe Cliffs, near Weston 26/7/20.
Small-flowered Catchfly - Labrador Bay 20/9/20.
Presumed Catchfly species - Fethiye, Turkey April 2022.
Common Cat's-ear - Belle Vue Road, Exmouth 20/6/21. And 3 photos below.
Greater Celandine - Warren View, Exmouth 25/5/21.
Lesser Celandine - Orcombe Point 26/2/21.
Common Centaury - Blackhill Quarry 15/6/20.
Lesser Centaury - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Slender Centaury (pink form) - Eype, west Dorset 28/7/21. White form below.
Chaffweed - Withycombe Raleigh Common 17/5/21.
Stinking Chamomile - Fivehead, Somerset 4/7/21. Horrible scent when leaves rubbed.
Charlock - Sandy Bay 21/7/20.
Cherry Plum - near East Budleigh Common 13/3/21 (and below - showing folded-back sepals).
Chickory - near East Budleigh Common 12/7/20.
Common Chickweed - Orcombe Point 26/9/20.
Greater Chickweed - Orcombe Point 26/9/20.
Presumed Lesser Chickweed - Duckpond, Exmouth 25/5/21.
Upright Chickweed - Dawlish Warren 8/4/21.
Water Chickweed - Clyst St Mary 2/7/20.
Creeping Cinquefoil - Mudbank 30/7/20.
Marsh Cinquefoil - Jersey Marine, Glamorgan 10/7/21.
Crocosmia - Blackhill Quarry - a naturalised garden species. Found all over the place!
Cleavers (aka Goose-grass) - Foxholes, Exmouth 23/5/21.
Orange Peel Clematis - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20. Present on Warren Point since 2010.
Alsike Clover - Imperial Rec 15/6/21. And below.
Bird's-foot Clover - Sandy Bay 5/5/21.
Clustered Clover - Exmouth cricket pitch 23/5/21.
Crimson Clover - Duckpond, Exmouth 2/6/21. Several by entrance to boat repair yard.
Hare's-foot Clover - Mudbank 25/7/20.
Knotted Clover - Exmouth seafront 2/6/21. Top of bank - raised beach huts.
Red Clover - Orcombe Point 13/5/21.
Rough Clover - Exmouth seafront 1/8/20. Also lots around Duckpond.
Strawberry Clover (and below) - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Subterranean Clover - Exmouth seafront 2/5/21. Lots in front of seafront arcades.
Suffocated Clover - The Maer 11/5/21. Also around Duckpond.
White Clover - Orcombe Point.
Zig-Zag Clover - Woodbury Common (Golf Course) 5/7/20.
Reversed Clover - Fethiye, Turkey April 2022.
Woolly Clover - Fethiye, Turkey April 2022.
Colt's-foot - Blackhill Quarry 27/2/21.
Columbine - Woodbury Common 5/6/21. Probably garden variety.
Common Comfrey (and below) - River Otter 1/7/20.
Corncockle - Duckpond, Exmouth 19/6/21.
Cornflower - Weston 11/7/20. Presumably deliberately seeded.
Perennial Cornflower - Exminster Marshes 22/6/20.
Presumed Common Cornsalad - Exmouth seafront 28/3/21.
Broad-fruited Cornsalad - Fivehead 4/7/21.
Climbing Corydalis - Withycombe Raleigh Common, Exmouth 26/5/22.
Yellow Corydalis - Exmouth 18/7/20.
Presumed Bearberry Cotoneaster - near Yelverton 19/6/21.
Black-grape Cotoneaster Cotoneaster ignotus - East Budleigh Common 10/6/21.
Common Cotton Grass - Bicton Common 3/6/21.
Cowslip - Chudleigh 1/4/21.
Common Cow-wheat - Woodbury Common 5/7/20. A decent sized patch of this along the lane that leads from Woodbury Park down to Hogsbrook fishing ponds.
Bloody Crane's-bill - Great Orme, Wales 25/7/22.
Cut-leaved Crane's-bill - Orcombe Point 22/5/21. Very common in Exmouth.
Dove's-foot Crane's-bill - Exmouth seafront 5/4/21.
Dove's-foot Crane's-bill - Dawlish Warren 8/4/21.
Druce's Crane's-bill - Somerset Level 4/7/21. A hybrid and garden escape.
Dusky Crane's-bill - Staverton 31/5/21.
Hedgerow Crane's-bill - Staverton 31/5/21.
Hedgerow Crane's-bill - Duckpond, Exmouth 2/8/21.
Long-stalked Crane's-bill - Duckaller Farm, Dawlish 11/7/20. Junctions on long stem surrounded with short, red bracts.
Meadow Crane's-bill - Goring, Berks 29/5/21. Growing in water meadow beside Thames.
Presumed Round-leaved Crane's-bill - Mudbank.
Round-leaved Crane's-bill - Mudbank 7/5/21.
Shining Crane's-bill - Exmouth seafront 5/4/21.
Herb Robert - Orcombe Point 15/5/2.
Hoary Cress - Duckpond, Exmouth 2/6/21.
Shepherd's Cress - Dawlish Warren 8/4/21.
Warren Crocus - Dawlish Warren 1/4/21.
Crosswort - Aylesbeare Common 8/5/21.
Presumed Round-leaved Water Crow-foot - Bystock 27/3/21.
Common Cudweed - Blackhill Quarry 25/6/21. With Small Cudweed behind.
Marsh Cudweed - The Maer 23/6/21.
Small Cudweed - Blackhill Quarry 17/6/21.
Daffodil - Exmouth seafront.
Common Daisy - Exmouth.
Michaelmas Daisy - Dawlish Warren 6/8/20.
Ox-eye Daisy - Phear Park 3/7/20.
Dandelion agg Carter Park, Exmouth 2/6/21.
Danish Scurvygrass - Exmouth seafront 5/3/21.
English Scurvygrass - Exton 2/6/21. Growing in saltmarsh.
Henbit Dead-nettle - Mudbank 25/7/20.
Red Dead-nettle - Orcombe Point 7/10/20.
White Dead-nettle - River Otter 13/7/20.
Dewberry - Kenfig, Glamorgan 10/7/21. Fruit below.
Broad-leaved Dock - River Otter 1/7/20.
Curly Dock - Exmouth.
Water Dock - Greylake, Somerset 4/7/21. And below.
Wood Dock - Maer Valley 23/6/21.
Dodder - near Cold East Cross, Dartmoor 14/7/20.
Dog's Mercury - near East Budleigh Common 13/3/21.
Dogwood - near Sandy Bay 10/6/21.
Dropwort - Berry Head 1/6/21.
Duke of Argyll's Tea-tree - The Maer 26/7/20. Naturalised. A few plants growing on waste ground near the arcades.
Dyer's Greenwood - near Painswick, Cotswolds 28/7/21.
Ground Elder - Madeira Walk, Exmouth.
Elder - Foxholes 23/5/21.
Elecampane - near Halfway House 14/7/21.
Field Erygno - Billacombe, Plymouth 18/7/21.
Eyebright sp - Bystock 26/6/20. Masses of this in the meadow.
Eyebright sp - Bystock 2/7/20.
Eyebright sp - Berry Head 1/6/21.
Eyebright agg - Cotswolds, Gloucestershire 29/7/21.
Fat-hen - Duckaller Farm 17/7/20.
Fennel - Exmouth - along the cycle track between Mudbank and West Lodge 30/6/20.
Adder's-tongue - Dawlish Warren 12/8/20.
Small Adder's-tongue - Dawlish Warren 1/5/21.
Black Spleenwort - Wright's Lane, Exmouth 9/5/21.
Bracken - Bicton Common 23/7/20.
Hard Fern - Bystock 16/5/21. And below.
Hart's-tongue Fern - Dawlish 17/8/20.
Royal Fern - Colaton Raleigh Common 24/6/21. And below.
Intermediate Polypody - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Maidenhair Spleenwort - Topsham.
Wall Rue - Berry Head 1/6/21.
Feverfew - the Maer 27/6/20.
Common Figwort - Backhill Quarry 4/7/20.
Water Figwort - Blackhill Quarry 5/7/20. Also found at Mudbank and Bystock.
Fairy Flax - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Common Figwort - Backhill Quarry 4/7/20.
Fairy Flax - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Pale Flax - Orcombe Point 26/7/20.
Canadian Fleabane - Blackhill Quarry 1/8/21.
Field Fleawort - Martin Down 4/6/21.
Flowering Rush - Jersey Marine, Glamorgan 10/7/21.
Sharp-leaved Fluellen - Labrador Bay 20/9/20.
Changing Forget-me-not - Exmouth seafront 28/3/21.
Creeping Forget-me-not - Prewley Moor, Dartmoor 19/6/21. In wet areas.
Early Forget-me-not - The Maer 5/4/21.
Water Forget-me-not (and pale form below) - River Otter 13/7/20.
Wood Forget-me-not - Bicton Common 25/5/21.
Fox-and-cubs aka Orange Hawkweed - Liverton Trading Estate 4/8/20.
Foxglove - Mudbank 2/6/21.
Frog-bit - Ham Wall, Somerset 29/7/21.
Common Fumitory - Hartslock, Berks 29/5/21.
Common Ramping Fumitory - Gore Lane, Exmouth 12/4/21.
White-ramping Fumitory - Hawkerland 7/6/21. And below.
White-ramping Fumitory - Foxholes 22/6/21.
Rosy Garlic - Madeira Walk. Also found on Maer Lane and Dinan Way.
Common Glasswort - Duckpond, Exmouth 20/6/21.
Perennial Glasswort - Dawlish Warren 6/8/20.
Goat's-beard - Berry Head 1/6/21.
Goat's-beard - Duckpond, Exmouth 20/6/21.
Red Goosefoot - Duckpond, Exmouth 2/8/21.
Gorse - Bicton Common 23/7/20.
Annual Beard-grass - Liverton trading estate, Exmouth 11/6/21.
Annual Meadow-grass - Liverton trading estate, Exmouth 11/6/21.
Canary Grass - The Maer 23/5/21.
Crested Dog's-tail - Imperial Rec 15/6/21.
Fern Grass - Gypsy Lane, Exmouth 31/5/21.
Hair's-tail Grass - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Marsh Foxtail - Gore Lane, Exmouth 28/5/21.
Perennial Rye-grass - Liverton trading estate 11/6/21.
Quaking Grass - Hartslock, Berks 29/5/21.
Sea Arrow-grass - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Sea Couch Grass - The Maer 23/5/21.
Sweet Vernal Grass - Blackhill Quarry 19/5/21.
Timothy - Belle Vue Road 20/6/21.
Wall Barley - Dawlish 17/8/20.
Yellow Bristle-grass - Labrador Bay 20/9/20.
Yorkshire Fog - Liverton trading estate, Exmouth 11/6/21.
Grape Hyacinth - Exmouth Seafront (presumably naturalised) 19/3/21.
Common Gromwell - Berry Head 1/6/21.
Purple Gromwell - Weston 11/7/20.
Groundsel - Mudbank 5/7/20.
Sticky Groundsel - Dawlish Warren 12/8/20.
Guelder Rose - Liverton trading estate, Exmouth 11/6/21.
Gypsywort - River Otter 29/7/20.
Hairy Rock-cress - Berry Head 1/6/21.
Harebell - Cotswolds, Gloucestershire 29/7/21.
Mouse-ear Hawkweed - Dawlish.
Hawthorn - Orcombe Point 12/10/20.
Bell Heather - Bicton Common 25/6/20.
Common Heather (Ling) - Woodbury Common 8/7/20.
Cross-leaved Heather - Bicton Common 26/6/20.
Hemlock - Mudbank 15/6/21.
Common Hemp-nettle - near Sturminster Newton, Dorset 9/8/21.
Henbane - Slapton Sands 22/6/22.
Hogweed - Warren View.
Presumed Giant Hogweed - River Otter 13/7/20.
Holly - Veiges Plantation 14/5/21.
Sea Holly - The Maer.
Honesty - near Dalditch 12/4/21.
Honewort - Berry Head 1/6/21.
Himalayan Honeysuckle - growing from a wall near Rolle College 26/7/20.
Black Horehound - Mudbank 31/7/20.
Horse-radish - near Salisbury 26/6/21.
Field Horsetail cones - Duckpond 26/3/21.
Stinking Iris - The Maer 22/6/21.
Yellow Iris (aka Flag Iris) - Dawlish Warren 22/6/20.
Ivy - Orcombe Point 11/10/21.
Ground Ivy - East Budleigh Common 25/6/20.
Juniper - Noar Hill, Hants 26/6/21.
Sea Kale - Weston 11/7/20.
Common Knapweed - Exmouth.
Greater Knapweed (and leaves below) - River Otter 1/7/20.
Presumed Common Knotgrass - Exmouth.
Knotgrss sp - Duckpond, Exmouth 2/8/21.
Lady's Mantle - Blackhill Quarry 3/8/20.
Lady's Smock/Cuckooflower - Orcombe Point 31/3/21.
Prickly Lettuce - The Maer 2/8/20.
When the sun comes out the leaves twist around and point skywards. Note the spines on the underside of the midrib and edges of the oblong-shaped leaf.
Dotted Loosestrife - Blackhill Quarry. Established from garden escapes. Now naturalised.
Purple Loosestrife - Clyst St Mary 2/7/20.
Yellow Loosestrife - Kenfig, Glamorgan 10/7/21.
Lords and Ladies - Orcombe Point 1/4/21.
Common Lousewort - Aylesbeare Common.
Marsh Lousewort - near Cold East Cross, Dartmoor 14/7/20.
Lucerne - Exmouth seafront 30/6/21.
Common Hound's-tongue - Martin Down, Hants 4/6/21.
Tree Lupin - The Maer 27/5/21.
Wild Madder.
Field Madder - Exmouth seafront 2/5/21.
Common Mallow. Lots of this in Exmouth.
Musk Mallow - Mudbank 25/7/20
Smaller Tree Mallow (and below) - Topsham Quay 18/7/20.
Tree Mallow - Exmouth.
Mare's-tail - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Corn Marigold - Weston 11/7/20.
Wild Marjoram - Weston 11/7/20. Abundant here.
Marsh Marigold - Clyst St Mary 2/4/21.
Scentless Mayweed - Phear Park 3/7/20.
Sea Mayweed - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Common Meadow-rue - Warren View, Exmouth June 2020. A tall plant standing alone in the wettest part of the paying fields.
Meadowsweet - Chudleigh 23/6/20.
Black Medick - Mudbank 4/7/20. Note the little spike at the tip of the leaf.
Spotted Medick - Exmouth seafront 14/4/21.
Toothed Medick - The Maer 23/5/21.
Ribbed Melilot (or Tall) - Phear Park 3/7/20.
Wild Mignonette - Mudbank 15/7/20.
Common Milkwort - Bystock 3/6/21. Leaves alternate along entire stem.
Heath Milkwort - Bicton Common 25/6/20 - lower leaves paired, upper leaves alternate - checked.
Sea Milkwort - Soar Mill Cove 11/6/22.
Water Mint - Recycling Centre, near Castle Lane, Exmouth 4/8/20.
Water Mint - River Otter 13/7/20.
Monkey Flower - Dart's Farm 15/7/22.
Monk's-hood - Staverton 31/5/21.
Moschatel - near East Budleigh Common 28/3/21.
Common Mouse-ear - Orcombe Point (sepals same length as petals).
Presumed Little Mouse-ear - The Maer 23/5/21.
Sea Mouse-ear - The Maer 13/3/21.
Sticky Mouse-ear - Mudbank 27/3/21.
Mugwort - Exmouth 30/6/20.
Dark Mullein - Selborne, Hants 26/6/21.
Great Mullein - Blackhill Quarry 19/7/20.
White Mullein - Lympstone 21/7/20.
Garlic Mustard - Mill Road, Exeter 17/4/21.
Hedge Mustard (and leaf below) - Mudbank 15/7/20.
Navelwort (aka Pennywort) - near East Budleigh Common 24/6/20.
Small Nettle - Mudbank 25/7/20.
Stinging Nettle - Exmouth.
Black Nightshade - Mudbank 3/7/20.
Enchanter's Nightshade - Bystock 2/7/20.
Nipplewort - Lincombe 30/7/20.
Wild Onion - The Maer.
Frosted Orache - Duckpond, Exmouth 2/8/21.
Spear-leaved Orache - Seaton Beach 13/6/21.
Bristly Ox-tongue (and two photos below) - Liverton Trading Estate, Exmouth 4/8/20.
Pimples with spines on leaves.
Field Pansy - Orcombe Point.
Sand Pansy - Braunton Burrows 9/7/20.
Cow Parsley - Maer Valley 2/3/21.
Fool's Parsley - Orcombe Point 17/8/21.
Fool's Parsley - Orcombe Point 17/8/21. Fruits.
Fool's Parsley - Orcombe Point 17/8/21.
Stone Parsley - Liverton Trading Estate, Exmouth 4/8/20.
Wild Parsnip - Martin Down, Hants 26/6/21.
Pasque Flower - Hartslock, Berks 29/5/21.
Parsley Piert or Slender Parsley Piert - Orcombe Point 16/5/21.
Broad-leaved Everlasting Pea - the Maer.
Broad-leaved Everlasting Pea - the Maer.
Field Penny-cress - Orcombe Point 3/6/21.
Greater Periwinkle - Dawlish 27/7/20. Hairy edges to leaves.
Lesser Periwinkle - Staverton 31/5/21.
Petty Whin - Aylesbeare Common 9/7/21.
Phacelia Phacelia tanacetifolia - Otterton 13/7/20. A naturalised North American species.
Pickerelweed - Stover CP 8/7/20. An alien species from the Americas.
Pignut - near East Budleigh cCommon 28/3/21.
Pignut - Orcombe Point 13/5/21.
Bog Pimpernel - Bystock 10/7/20.
Scarlet Pimpernel - Orcombe Point.
Blue Pimpernel - Fethiye, Turkey April 2022.
Bog Pimpernel - Bystock 10/7/20.
Scarlet Pimpernel - Orcombe Point.
Yellow Pimpernel - Blackhill Quarry 26/6/20.
Deptford Pink - Buckfastleigh 21/7/20.
Pitcher Plant Sarracenia flava x Sarracenia sp - East Devon Commons 24/6/21. A hybrid species.
Pitcher Sarracenia flava x Sarracenia sp - East Devon Commons 29/7/20.
Hooded Pitcher Plant (Sarracenia minor) - East Devon Commons 3/8/20. A different species to the above.
Buckshorn Plantain - The Maer 18/5/21.
Greater Plantain.
Hoary Plantain - Noar Hill, Hants 26/6/21.
Ribwort Plantain
Sea Plantain - Mudbank 18/7/20.
Ploughman's-spikenard - Dunscombe Cliffs, near Weston 11/7/20.
Bog Pondweed flower spike - Aylesbeare Common 28/7/20.
Common Poppy - Exmouth 28/6/20.
Long-headed Poppy (with seed head below) - Mudbank 25/7/20.
Ribwort Plantain
Sea Plantain - Mudbank 18/7/20.
Ploughman's-spikenard - Dunscombe Cliffs, near Weston 11/7/20.
Common Poppy - Exmouth 28/6/20.
Long-headed Poppy (with seed head below) - Mudbank 25/7/20.
Opium Poppy - The Maer 22/6/21.
Welsh Poppy - Wright's Lane, Exmouth 3/6/21. Several growing on verge.
Yellow-horned Poppy - Slapton Ley 28/10/20.
Primrose - Foxholes.
Fragrant Evening Primrose - The Maer 23/7/20.
Large-flowered Evening Primrose (and below) - Blackhill Quarry 4/7/20.
Wild Privet - Gore Lane, Exmouth 20/6/21.
Pink Purslane - Bickleigh Mill 9/5/21.
Sea Purslane - Mudbank 18/7/20.
Sea Radish - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Ragwort - Orcombe Point.
Oxford Ragwort (and below) - Mudbank 25/7/20.
Silver Ragwort - The Maer 25/7/20. Growing around the arcades area.
Ramsons - Steps Bridge, Dartmoor 25/4/21.
Ragged Robin - Chudleigh 8/7/20.
Redshank - River Otter 13/7/20. Black spots on leaves.
Yellow Rattle - The Maer 22/6/21.
Rest Harrow - The Maer, Exmouth 22/6/21.
Small Restharrow - Berry Head 17/7/21.
Rhododendron - near Yelverton, South Dartmoor 19/6/21.
Japanese Rose - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Sea Rocket - Sandy Bay 5/5/21.
Burnet Rose Rosa pimpinellifolia - Kenfig, Glamorgan 10/7/21. Hips below.
Dog Rose - Mudbank 2/6/21.
Japanese Rose - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Wild Rose sp - Woodbury Common 25/6/21.
Rock Rose - Lincombe 30/7/20.
Round-headed Club-rush - Braunton Burrows 9/7/20.
Sea Club-rush - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Compact Rush Juncus conglomeratus - East Devon Commons.
Rock Rose - Lincombe 30/7/20.
White Rock Rose - Berry Head 1/6/21.
Black Bog-rush.
Common Club-rush - Countess Wear 6/7/20.
Round-headed Club-rush - Braunton Burrows 9/7/20.
Sea Club-rush - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Jointed Rush - Aylesbeare Common 9/7/21.
Slender Rush - The Maer 23/6/21.
Toad Rush - Aylesbeare Common 9/7/21.
Salad Burnet (female flowers) - Liverton trading estate, Exmouth 11/6/21.
Salad Burnet - Hartslock, Berks 29/5/21.
Prickly Saltwort - Sandy Bay 21/7/20.
Rock Samphire - near West Lodge, Exmouth. Lots of this anywhere alongside the estuary.
Sea Sandwort -The Maer, Exmouth 22/6/21.
Sanfoin - Martin Down, Hants 26/6/21.
Sanicle - Veiges Plantation, Exmouth 13/5/21.
Saw-wort - near Sturminster Newton, Dorset 9/8/21.
Opposite-leaved Golden-saxifrage - Exton 14/3/21.
Rue-leaved Saxifrage - Dawlish Warren 1/4/21.
Devil's-bit Scabious - Woodbury Common.
Field Scabious (and 2 photos below) - River Otter 1/7/20.
At least three rows of bracts. Bracts wider than on Small Scabious.
Field Scabious leaves.
Small Scabious (and two photos below) - Lincombe 30/7/20.
Small Scabious leaves.
Single row of bracts. Bracts thinner than on Field Scabious.
Common Sea-lavender - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Rock Sea-lavender - Dawlish 27/7/20.
Devil's-bit Scabious - Woodbury Common.
Field Scabious (and 2 photos below) - River Otter 1/7/20.
At least three rows of bracts. Bracts wider than on Small Scabious.
Small Scabious (and two photos below) - Lincombe 30/7/20.
Small Scabious leaves.
Single row of bracts. Bracts thinner than on Field Scabious.
Annual Sea-blite - Duckpond, Exmouth 20/6/21
Common Sea-lavender - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Rock Sea-lavender - Dawlish 27/7/20.
Sea Stock - Kenfig, Glamorgan 10/7/21.
Spreading Hedge-parsley - Fivehead, Somerset 4/7/21. And fruits below.
Corn Spurrey - Duckaller Farm 11/7/20. An arable plant found on crop field edge.
Rock Sea-spurrey - Exmouth Beach - growing on rocks at the base of cliffs (end of Marine Drive) 30/6/21.
Sand Spurrey - Colaton Raleigh Common 5/6/21.
Carnation Sedge - Bicton Common 5/6/21.
Deer Grass - Bicton Common 5/6/21.
White Beak-sedge - Woodbury Common 8/7/20.
False Fox Sedge - Blackhill Quarry 5/7/20.
False Fox-sedge - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
White Beak-sedge - Woodbury Common 8/7/20.
False Fox Sedge - Blackhill Quarry 5/7/20.
False Fox-sedge - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Grey Sedge - Dinan Way 9/6/21.
Green-ribbed Sedge or Tawny Sedge - Bicton Common 5/6/21. And below.
Sand Sedge - The Maer 23/6/21.
Self-heal (white form) - near East Budleigh Common 12/7/20.
Sheep's-bit - Dawlish 29/6/20.
Star Sedge - Bicton Common 19/5/21.
Common Yellow-sedge - Bicton Common 5/6/21.
Self-heal (white form) - near East Budleigh Common 12/7/20.
Sheep's-bit - Dawlish 29/6/20.
Shepherd's-needle - Fivehead, Somerset 4/7/21.
Shepherd's Purse - Mudbank 15/7/20.
Silverweed - Exminster Marshes 6/7/20.
Lesser Skullcap - Bystock 10/7/20. Growing beside the board-walk at the top end of the reserve. A much smaller plant than Greater Skullcap.
Silverweed - Exminster Marshes 6/7/20.
Greater Skullcap - Bystock 2/7/20.
Lesser Skullcap - Bystock 10/7/20. Growing beside the board-walk at the top end of the reserve. A much smaller plant than Greater Skullcap.
Small Hare's-ear - Berry Head 17/7/21. And below.
Sneezewort - Kenfig, Glamorgan 10/7/21.
Snowdrop - Courtlands 22/1/21.
Soapwort - Braunton Burrows 9/7/20. Beside the old American road between the carpark and D Lane.
Soapwort - Braunton Burrows 9/7/20. Beside the old American road between the carpark and D Lane.
Spring Beauty - The Maer 5/4/21.
Spring Squill - Sandy Bay 5/5/21.
Snake's-head Fritillary - Dawlish Warren 8/4/21.
Snake's-head Fritillary - Orcombe Point 9/4/21.
Pink Sorrel (and leaf below) - Orcombe Point.
Procumbent Yellow Sorrel - Exmouth 2/8/20. Growing on the edge of the pavement outside our house.
Common Sorrel - Goring, Bucks 29/5/21. And below.
Sheep's Sorrel - Sandy Bay 5/5/21.
Wood Sorrel - Chudleigh 1/4/21.
Prickly Sowthistle.
Smooth Sowthistle - Warren View.
Greater Spearwort - Stover CP 8/7/20. 2-3 ft tall with large flowers.
Field Speedwell.
Germander Speedwell - Exmouth.
Heath Speedwell - Woodbury Common 8/7/20. Lots in the meadow at Bystock too.
Ivy-leaved Speedwell - Maer Valley 3/3/21.
Slender Speedwell - Saint Hill nr Kentisbeare 5/4/21.
Wall Speedwell - The Maer 10/4/21.
Blue Water-speedwell - River Axe 31/7/20.
Pink Water-speedwell - Aylesbeare Common 30/5/21.
Wood Speedwell - Liverton Copse 8/5/21.
Spindle - Goring, Berks 29/5/21.
Spurge Laurel - Homefield Wood, Bucks 29/5/21.
Broad-leaved Spurge - Fivehead, Somerset 4/7/21. And below.
Dwarf Spurge - Fivehead, Somerset 4/7/21.
Petty Spurge - Duckaller Farm, Dawlish 11/7/20.
Sea Spurge - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Sun Spurge Euphorbia helioscopia - Exmouth.
Imperforate St John's Wort - Blackhill Quarry 12/7/20.
Imperforate St John's Wort - square stem.
Imperforate St John's Wort - underside of leaf - netted veins, no perforations.
Perforate St John's Wort - Mudbank 3/7/20. Black dots on leaf edges. Leaf perforations. Ridged stem.
Perforate St John's Wort - Mudbank 2/8/20.
Perforate St John's Wort - Mudbank 2/8/20. Showing black dots (glands) on leaf edges.
Perforate St John's Wort - Mudbank 2/8/20. Showing leaf perforations on underside.
Slender St John's Wort - Blackhill Quarry 25/6/20. Heart-shaped leaves clasp stem.
Slender St John's Wort - Blackhill Quarry 25/6/20.
Slender St John's Wort - Blackhill Quarry 25/6/20. Red marks on underside of petals.
Slender St John's Wort - Blackhill Quarry 23/7/20.
Square-stalked St John's Wort (and 2 photos below) - Stover CP 14/7/20.
Stalk - square with 'wings'.
Leaf - perforate and with black spots along edges.
Trailing St John's Wort - East Budleigh Common 12/7/20. Trailing flat to the ground (prostrate).
Trailing St John's Wort - Cold East Cross, Dartmoor 14/7/20.
Petty Spurge - Duckaller Farm, Dawlish 11/7/20.
Portland Spurge - The Maer, Exmouth 22/6/21.
Sea Spurge - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Sun Spurge Euphorbia helioscopia - Exmouth.
Wood Spurge - near East Budleigh Common 28/3/21.
Squinancywort - Martin Down, Hants 26/6/21.
Greater Stitchwort - near Woodbury 21/3/21.
Lesser Stitchwort - Dinan Way, Exmouth - opposite Lidl 9/6/21.
Imperforate St John's Wort - Blackhill Quarry 12/7/20.
Imperforate St John's Wort - square stem.
Imperforate St John's Wort - underside of leaf - netted veins, no perforations.
Marsh St John's Wort - Bicton Common June 2020.
Pale St John's Wort - Berry Head 17/7/21. And 3 photos below.
Pale St John's Wort - Berry Head 17/7/21.
Perforate St John's Wort - Mudbank 3/7/20. Black dots on leaf edges. Leaf perforations. Ridged stem.
Perforate St John's Wort - Mudbank 2/8/20.
Perforate St John's Wort - Mudbank 2/8/20. Showing black dots (glands) on leaf edges.
Perforate St John's Wort - Mudbank 2/8/20. Showing leaf perforations on underside.
Slender St John's Wort - Blackhill Quarry 25/6/20. Heart-shaped leaves clasp stem.
Slender St John's Wort - Blackhill Quarry 25/6/20.
Slender St John's Wort - Blackhill Quarry 25/6/20. Red marks on underside of petals.
Slender St John's Wort - Blackhill Quarry 23/7/20.
Trailing St John's Wort - East Budleigh Common 12/7/20. Trailing flat to the ground (prostrate).
Trailing St John's Wort - Cold East Cross, Dartmoor 14/7/20.
Star-of-Bethlehem - Fethiye, Turkey April 2022.
Biting Stonecrop - The Maer, Exmouth 22/6/21.
English Stonecrop - Berry Head 17/7/21.
Mossy Stonecrop - Dawlish Warren 1/4/21.
White Stonecrop - Exmouth Seafront 28/6/20. Note pink tinge to flowers. Tonnes of this between the lifeboat station and Orcombe Point - along the wall.
Wild Strawberry - East Budleigh Common 25/6/20.
White Stonecrop - Exmouth Seafront 28/6/20. Note pink tinge to flowers. Tonnes of this between the lifeboat station and Orcombe Point - along the wall.
Common Stork's-bill - Mudbank 25/7/20.
Common Stork's-bill - The Maer 18/5/21.
Musk Stork's-bill - Foxholes 24/2/21.
Barren Strawberry - Lympstone 1/3/21.
Wild Strawberry - East Budleigh Common 25/6/20.
Summer Snowflake - Goring, Berks 29/5/21.
Round-leaved Sundew - Bicton Common 26/6/20.
Oblong-leaved Sundew - Colaton Raleigh Common 24/6/21.
Round-leaved Sundew - Bicton Common 26/6/20.
Sweet Alison - Exmouth seafront. Lots growing around arcades and cricket pitch.
Swine-cress -Liverton trading estate 11/6/21.
Lesser Swine-cress - Liverton trading estate 11/6/21.
Tamarisk - The Maer 5/10/20.
Tansy - Mudbank 25/7/20.
Smooth Tare - Duckaller Farm, Dawlish 11/7/20.
Hairy Tare - between Mudbank and West Lodge 24/4/21.
Slender Tare - Fivehead, Somerset 4/7/21.
Smooth Tare - Duckaller Farm, Dawlish 11/7/20.
Thale Cress - Belle Vue Road 18/3/21.
Carline Thistle - Dawlish Warren 12/8/20.
Creeping Thistle - Orcombe Point.
Dwarf Thistle - near Weston 26/7/20.
Marsh Thistle - Chudleigh 23/6/20.
Carline Thistle - Dawlish Warren 12/8/20.
Cotton Thistle - Dawlish Warren 13/8/21.
Dwarf Thistle - near Weston 26/7/20.
Marsh Thistle - Chudleigh 23/6/20.
Meadow Thistle - Colaton Raleigh Common 2/6/21.
Slender Thistle - Duckpond, Exmouth 15/6/21.
Woolly Thistle - Cotswolds, Gloucestershire 29/7/21.
Thorn-apple - Exmouth, near the Duckpond 29/11/20.
Three-cornered Leek/Garlic - Exmouth 3/3/21.
Wild Thyme - near Cold East Cross, Dartmoor 14/7/20.
Traveller's Joy (aka Old Man's Beard) - Mudbank 25/7/20.
Thrift - Orcombe Point 27/4/21.
Bastard Toadflax - Martin Down, Hants 26/6/21.
Ivy-leaved Toadflax - Exmouth 30/6/20. Masses of this on walls around Exmouth.
Purple Toadflax - Exmouth 4/7/20.
Toothwort - Chudleigh 1/4/21.
Bird's-foot Trefoil - Orcombe Point.
Hop Trefoil (and below) - Otter Cliffs 13/7/20.
Lesser Trefoil - Dawlish Warren 1/5/21.
Slender Trefoil - Sandy Bay 5/5/21.
Tutsan - Bystock 2/7/20.
Stinking Tutsan - Dawlish 17/8/20. Vaguely goat-like smell when crushed.
Upright Hedge-parsley - Buckfastleigh 21/7/20.
Common Valerian - Martin Down, Hants 26/6/21. And below.
Marsh Valerian.
Venus' Looking-glass (or VLg sp).
Vervain - Exminster Marshes 6/7/20. A tall, straggly plant - small lilac-coloured flowers with apparently no stigma or anthers.
Bush Vetch - Woodbury Common (golf course) 5/7/20.
Vervain - Exminster Marshes 6/7/20. A tall, straggly plant - small lilac-coloured flowers with apparently no stigma or anthers.
Bithynian Vetch - Sandy Bay 22/5/21. Also found along seafront and cycle path past Lower Halsdon.
Bithynian Vetch (white variant) - cycle path, Exmouth 1/6/21.
Bitter Vetch - Woodbury Park 25/4/21.
Bush Vetch - Woodbury Common (golf course) 5/7/20.
Common Vetch - cycle path, Exmouth 1/6/21.
Horseshoe Vetch - Hartslock, Berks 29/5/21.
Tufted Vetch -Blackhill Quarry 5/7//20.
Kidney Vetch -Sandy Bay 5/5/21. Lots on Orcombe Point too.
Presumed Narrow-leaved Vetch - Duckpond 27/5/21 - procumbent with more oval basal leaves?
Grass Vetchling - Dinan Way, Exmouth 3/6/21. Lots on bank opposite Lidl.
Meadow Vetchling - Mudbank 25/7/20.
Meadow Vetchling - Mudbank 25/7/20.
Yellow Vetchling - Seaton seafront 13/6/21.
Russian Vine - Mudbank 20/9/20.
Common Dog-violet - Bystock 27/3/21 (and below). White spur, pointed sepals.
Common Dog-violet Bystock.
Early Dog-violet - East Budleigh Common 15/3/21 (and below).
Note pointed sepals, straight, purple-tinged spur and unbranched rays on lower centr
Pale Dog-violet - Aylesbeare Common 8/5/21.
Pale Dog-violets - Aylesbeare Common 8/5/21.
Hairy Violet - Martin Down, Hants 4/6/21. And below.
Sweet Violet - Courtlands, Exmouth 22/1/21. And below.
Corky-fruited Water-dropwort - Dinan Way 3/6/21.
Parsley Water-dropwort - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Hemlock Water-dropwort -Mudbank, Exmouth 16/6/21. And unripe seed pods below.
Parsley Water-dropwort - Dawlish Warren 22/7/20.
Tubular Water-dropwort - Kenfig, Glamorgan 10/7/21.
Least Water-lily - Jersey Marine, Glamorgan 10/7/21.
White Water Lily - Bystock 25/6/20.
Great Water Plantain - Aylesbeare Common.
Lesser Water Plantain - Kenfig, Glamorgan 10/7/21.
Weasel's-snout (aka Lesser Snapdragon) - Duckaller Farm 17/7/20.
Pineapple Weed (aka Wild Chamomile) - Dawlish 29/6/20.
Weld - Mudbank 4/7/20.
Common Whitlowgrass - Exmouth seafront 05/3/21.
Creeping Willow Salix repens.
Broad-leaved Willowherb - Mudbank 18/7/20.
Great Willowherb - Liverton Industrial Estate 26/6/20.
Hoary Willowherb (and below) - Chudleigh 8/7/20.
Showing hairy stem.
Marsh Willowherb - Bicton Common 13/7/21. And below.
Round-leaved Wintergreen - Kenfig, Glamorgan 10/7/21.
Yellow Wort - Sandy Bay, Exmouth 1/8/20.
Field Woundwort - Duckaller Farm 17/7/20.
Yarrow - Mudbank 15/7/20.
Winter Heliotrope -Countess Wear 22/12/20.
Wood Melick - Hartslock, Berks 29/5/21.
Woodruff - Chudleigh 22/5/21.
Yellow Bird's-nest - Cotswolds 6/8/21.
Yellow Wort - Sandy Bay, Exmouth 1/8/20.
Field Woundwort - Duckaller Farm 17/7/20.
Hedge Woundwort - The Maer, Exmouth 23/6/21.
Marsh Woundwort - Maer Valley 23/6/20
Yarrow - Mudbank 15/7/20.
Yellow Archangel - Chudleigh 1/4/21.
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