Tuesday 2 August 2022

Pediasia contaminella

Waste Grass-veneer Pediasia contaminella. Another new one for the garden. In fact I've only ever seen this species abroad. It has a distinctive resting posture but is pretty unremarkable in the looks department. Only present in the south of Britain, this is a localised species, so a good one to get in the garden.

Mudbank counts included c175 Mallard, 45+ Whimbrel, 1 Mediterranean Gull, 4 Common Gulls, c500+ Black-headed Gulls, the first-summer Yellow-legged Gull, 25+ Sandwich Terns, 2 Common Terns, 1 Great Crested Grebe, 69 Canada Geese, 7 Dunlin and 2 Ringed Plovers.

Portland Ribbon Wave. One of two trapped last night and a species that's gone from rarity to relatively common in a short space of time.

Inlaid Grass-veneer Crambus pascuella.

Marbled Conch Eupoecilia angustana.

Apple Leaf Miner Lyonetia clerkella. Tried but failed to get a decent image of this 'speck'.

Iron Prominent.

And a Common/Lesser Common Rustic agg which pretty well matches the colouring of Iron Prominent. Not sure I've seen this colour form before.

 Ox-tongue Conch Cochylis molliculana.

White-line Dart - only my second one trapped but a really smart one, rivalling Archer's Dart for looks.


  1. Some lovely moths- especially the Portland Ribbon Wave.

  2. Thanks Neil - they can be really smart. Common here now. Are there any in the London area? All the best. Matt.
