Monday 22 August 2022

Migrant Moths

Pearly Underwing - one of three trapped last night. A more reddish individual below.

Migrant species trapped in the garden last night - 3 Pearly Underwing, 3 Silver Y, 3 Turnip Moth, 1 Bordered Straw, 2 Rush Veneer, 2 White-point and c20 Rusty Dot Pearl. Other species included my first garden Jersey Mocha and a nice green form of Marbled Green.
Migrants on Orcombe Point this morning included 12 Yellow Wagtails and 2 Tree Pipits, along with a single Wheatear. Nearby there were at least 7 Yellow Wagtails, in with cattle, along Maer Lane.
Off Maer Rocks - 7 Sandwich Terns and a first-summer Mediterranean Gull.
Mudbank - 1 Dark-bellied Brent Goose, 3 Common Terns, 1 Dunlin, 3 Common Gulls, 14 Whimbrel and 28 Little Egrets.

Predicted just a week ago, when I saw my very first, courtesy of Nick - my first garden Jersey Mocha.

Rush Veneer.

Another Bordered Straw - this one looks a little more richly-coloured and distinctly more well-travelled!

Dark Sword-grass.

Not an immigrant species but a rather lovely olive-green form of Marbled Green.

Hawthorn Moth - Scythropia crataegella.

Flounced Rustic.


  1. Some smart migrants, Matt. We had a trap in an Ealing park last Friday night & even this far inland had some migrants with the best being a Vestal. Also several Rush Veneer & a Diamond-back.

  2. Hi Neil - glad you're picking up the migrants inland. It has been a really good spell for moths. I traipsed around Orcombe Point again this morning, and disturbed masses of Rush Veneers from long grass. They've been around in numbers a while now. All the best. Matt.
