Wednesday 5 May 2021

Bird's-foot Clover and Spring Squill

Bird's-foot Clover. These minute flowers are pink-tinged. I spent an hour, after work, mooching around Sandy Bay where the turf is kept really short. Lots of species are in flower at the moment.

Spring Squill

Changing Forget-me-not.

I'm not sure about this umbellifer. A striking-looking plant though. Growing at the back of the beach. Edit - Wild Carrot - thank you Dave!

I think I've finally found some Bithynian Vetch - none whatsoever in flower yet though.

Good to see Sea Rocket growing at the top of the beach again. Some white-flowered and some, like the above, with a lovely lilac hue.

Kidney Vetch

Sheep's Sorrel.

Absolutely masses of Small-flowered Buttercups are growing around the caravans at Sandy Bay.

I misidentified Slender Trefoil at the weekend. Could this be it?

More Small-flowered Buttercup.

Female Orange-tip


  1. I think your umbellifer is going to be Wild Carrot?

  2. Ah - thanks Dave. I should know that one - my excuse is it has been a few months since I last saw any. Good to hear from you. All the very best. Matt

  3. I recently found many changing forget me nots growing in my front garden! I am Very pleased.

  4. Just to add to Dave's Carrot ID, it's probably the coastal subspecies gummifer.

    That looks much more like Slender Trefoil. You do have some fine plants there; we don't have Spring Squill in the south-east.

    I'm going to the North Downs today in search of plants & my first Early Purple Orchids of the season, hopefully connect with Grizzled & Dingy skipper as well as Green Hairstreak, though have seen the first species this year. Maybe some herps under the tins?

  5. Hi Neil - hope you had a good trip. No sniff of Green Hairstreaks down here yet. Have to travel to get the Skippers down here too. All the best. Matt
