Saturday 7 March 2020

Bits and Bobs

Snow Goose - Powderham Marsh.
Still not much happening in Exmouth so got out and about a bit this morning. On Powderham Marshes - 9 Tufted Duck, 1 Snow Goose, drake Scaup, 170+ Teal, 6+ Redwing, c40/50+ Lapwing and a few other bits and pieces.
Without travelling too far this morning I also managed 5+ Brambling, c50+ Chaffinch, 3 Crossbill, 3 Mistle Thrush, c10+ Siskin and a pair of displaying Goshawk.
Back in Exmouth, counts off Mudbank included 155+ Curlew, 7 Red-breasted Merganser, 6 Wigeon, 5 Goldeneye (two males), 4 Redshank, 4 Grey Plover, 50+ Turnstone and c300+ Brent Geese.

Male Brambling.
Sparrowhawk  on the back garden fence earlier in the week.


  1. Snow Goose a surprise! Any thoughts on whether likely wild or escape?

    Good to see the Brambling. Only 2 I've seen this year were at feeders at Sculthorpe Moor, Norfolk.

    Guess you didn't see the Devon Ross's Gull? Such smart birds. Have only ever seen one about 30 years ago in the north-west.

  2. Hi Neil - almost certainly an escape but nice to see. May try for Ross's this weekend. Bramblings are very thin on the ground this year. Normally have them wintering more locally but not this year. Good to hear from you. All the best. Matt

  3. Good luck with the Ross's. Such a smart gull!
