Saturday 28 December 2013


I very rarely twitch because the driving feels like such a boring waste of time, I feel guilty about leaving Lu and the kids without the car and, of course, it's costly. However some species, like Brunnich's Guillemot, just niggle me. I fought the urge to go for this yesterday but came to the conclusion last night that I simply wanted to see it, could go for it and would regret it if I didn't. I left with a green light from Lu at 6am this morning and was there for 730'ish. It was a sod to get good views of, diving and travelling huge distances only to resurface for nanoseconds, and consequently my sketches are dreadful. It's weird how the black guillemot barely shifted position in all the time I was there but the brunnich's guillemot was like a bloody willow the wisp! Eventually I decided to sit on Osprey Quay (I think that's where I was) and just wait whilst the crowd charged up and down in a game of cat and mouse. It paid off with the bird bobbing up just feet in front of me, but I would still have preferred longer views and the opportunity to really study it. I was back in Exmouth before 1030am.

 Yes! Just stay.......

This afternoon I did a quick scoot around Orcombe and then Maisie and I walked the dog along the river. Orcombe was quite quiet with 1 pied wagtail, c10+ meadow pipit, c50+ skylark, 6+ snipe, 3 song thrush, c40+ linnet, 1 red-throated diver, 1 diver sp, 1 female velvet scoter and 6 common scoter.

common gull - Mudbank


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Glad to hear you gave in Matt! I doubt there will ever be one closer to home - like your sketches.....

  3. B*gger! If I'd known you were going Matt, I could have given you a lift. I went up myself this morning arriving just after 8 (minty feel to that one)! I had stunning views of the bird as it surfaced right in front of me. Got the Glossy Ibis in Weymouth and the Snow Buntings at W. Bex. too and was still back home by lunchtime..

  4. Hi Chris - many thanks - superb photos of the BG on your blog btw! Let me know if I can pop over with that book sometime this week.
    Terry - would have been good to share a lift. Next time maybe. Having said that neither of us twitch much so it may be a while. Might go for the diver but I'm guessing you've already seen it. All the best.

  5. Yep, saw it yesterday as my good lady wanted to (conveniently) visit the Willows at Torquay. Black Gilly there too from Freshwater car park.

  6. Nice to see you got it Matt, nice sketches.... Decided to go for the Diver and saw it yesterday, really pleased I did, its a stonker. Especially nice to see it up against the BTD and GND in the harbour, Superb views.

  7. Hi Josh - glad you got it. I reckon you'd have kicked yourself if you hadn't. I'm still toying with the idea of coming down for it.
