Sunday 16 August 2020

Playboy Bunny

Pied Smudge Ypsolopha sequella - also known as the 'Playboy Bunny' moth. Not a rare species but one I've been looking forward to trapping. The foodplant is mainly Field Maple.
Nine Teal, 4 Wigeon and a Greenshank off Mudbank this morning. It was better yesterday with 6 Dunlin, 2 Greenshank, 9 Teal, 4 Redshank, 4 Mediterranean Gull (including a German-ringed bird and a juvenile), 4 Great Crested Grebe, 3 Wigeon and 23 Whimbrel.

Shore Marble Lobesia littoralis - the foodplant is thrift so this is mainly a coastal species.

Marbled Piercer Cydia splendana

Orange Swift

Vestal. Other immigrant species trapped last night were Dark Sword-grass, Rusty Dot Pearl, Turnip Moth, White Point and 7 Silver Y.
Yesterday was better for immigrant numbers with 35+ Silver Y, 1 Vestal, 3 White Point, 1 Turnip Moth, 1 Rusty Dot Pearl and 1 or 2 Rush Veneer.


Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix

This German-ringed Mediterranean Gull AY.KU was off Mudbank yesterday.


  1. Love your bunny rabbit moth- not one I've seen, but remember seeing quite a few photos of them last year. Some nice migrants-only seen a couple of UK Vestals though saw quite a few in southern Spain- gorgeous little moths.

    Some good stuff there Matt.

  2. Thanks Neil - Vestal is one of the more frequently encountered immigrant species in Exmouth, outnumbered only by Silver Y, Rusty Dot Pearl, Rush Veneer and Diamond-back I reckon, though I might have forgotten one or two others. Needless to say it's expected but always appreciated! Good to hear from you as always. Matt
