Friday 14 August 2020


A Garganey off Mudbank was today's star bird. They've been pretty much annual in Exmouth the last few years, but only in the autumn. Also off there today - 265+ Mallard, 2 Shoveler, 2 Wigeon, 6 Teal, 1 Redshank, 2 Greenshank and a Common Sandpiper. Lovely to meet Bay for the first time today.
Orcombe was quiet but 2 Tree Pipit, 22 House Martin and a juvenile Willow Warbler were logged.
Mothing was washed out in torrential overnight rain.


Tree Pipit - one of two on Orcombe Point today. This stunning juvenile posed for a little while.

Ring-necked Parakeet - Exmouth cricket pitch. One of two together. I'm regularly seeing parakeets around the Maer at the moment. Early mornings are best.


  1. Very smart Tree Pipit Matt! Shame you don't get Garganey in the spring when they look wonderful.

    I have a roost of over 1000 Ring-necked Parakeets about a mile from home- quite impressive as they leave. Just glad I don't live next to it!

  2. Hi Neil - thank you. Have had a couple spring Garganey resting on the sea off the seafront but that's very much the exception rather than the norm. The big late summer build-up of moulting Mallard does the trick in attracting other species, and when the Wigeon arrive in numbers they draw in other species too. Garganey is a real red letter bird for me. Just love 'em! As for the parakeets there are still only small numbers (max nine I think) but if they've bred successfully this year that'll go up. Glad you live a distance away from the roost! All the best. Matt
