Tuesday 4 August 2020

Dolphins, Fox and Cubs

Common Dolphin - one of an estimated 20-30 heading east past Orcombe Point early this morning, not far offshore. I don't often see cetaceans off Orcombe but that's probably because I don't spend much time looking for them. Flat-calm conditions this morning made searching an awful lot easier. I generally see more Bottle-nosed than Commons.
An early morning walk around Orcombe was 'hijacked' by the dolphins but I recorded at least 3 Willow Warblers, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker and a fly-over Dunlin. Small numbers of Whitethroat, Chiffchaff and Blackcap were presumed local breeders.

Orange Hawkweed - also known as Fox-and-cubs. I've been hoping to stumble across this gorgeous 'weed' for ages. Found on a local trading estate whilst killing a bit of time before a dental appointment.


  1. What a magical experience to see the pod of Common Dolphins! My last couple were on the Scillonian crossing last October.

    Do love the Orange Hawkweeds- I see a few down my road in some uncut lawns.

  2. Hi Neil - yep, I really should look out for them more but from what I can gather they spend most of their time in the Torbay area which I can see distantly from Orcombe. I hear the dolphins over that way have been hounded a lot by jet-skiers so perhaps they've moved this way for a bit of a break. Who knows? The disturbance by the water sports industry is ridiculous down this way and they're near to the completion of a large water sports centre on Exmouth seafront which won't make matters any better.
    As for the Hawkweeds I can't believe I've never seen them before, which suggests they may be quite scarce in this area. All the best. Matt
