Friday 6 October 2017

Ring-necked Parakeet

Ring-necked Parakeet - Maer Valley
This Ring-necked Parakeet has been reported from the Maer Valley area, occasionally, for a couple weeks now. I had a half-hearted look for it a while back. This evening, having seen virtually nothing on Orcombe, I had a stroll around the area between the sewage works and Maer Farm. As I was nearing Maer Farm I picked up the call and located the bird in trees bordering Rolle playing fields. Always good value, I watched it sat up high in a tree before it flew off noisily over the playing fields.
Otherwise it has been a busy week at work and a quiet one for birds. There were c20+ Swallow over Maer Valley this evening and 25 Pale-bellied Brent Geese off Mudbank with 6+ Teal, c20+ Pintail and a stack of Wigeon.


Speckled Wood


Small White

Comma and Painted Lady

Red Admirals are present in big numbers in Exmouth at the moment.


Small Copper

Red Admiral


This evening's Pale-bellied Brent Goose flock - 13 adults and 12 juveniles.

Wheatear - Orcombe Point


  1. maybe the same Parakeet I saw in the gardens behind Alexandra Terrace early summer?

  2. Hi Dave - could well be. Perhaps we will end up with a colony like the one that has become established down in Plymouth.
    Thank you for your comment.
