Thursday 5 October 2023

Richard's Pipit

A vocal Richard's Pipit on Orcombe Point this afternoon, after work. It was flushed from the weedy, flat field at the top of Gore Lane, providing flight views only, hence the rubbish photos. This is my seventh record on Orcombe, with all previous records falling in November, but all frequenting the same top fields. Otherwise, a flock of 30/40+ Linnets and a handful of Meadow Pipits and Skylarks. Two Stonechats and a Chiffchaff along the field edge and a Sparrowhawk and Kestrel hunting the area.


  1. Very nice, Matt. Very much on my 'most wanted' list locally, and hopefully coinciding with a morning when I have the recorder running! 😄 👍

  2. Thanks Gav - I don't really have the tech for sound recording but, as you know, they're very vocal so probably not too difficult with the right equipment. Good luck! Matt.
