Friday 16 August 2024

Lisbon, Porto

Manx Shearwater - c125 total seen on 7/8 and 16/8 (return crossing) with many more uncounted in large, distant, mixed shearwater rafts surrounding Tuna feeding 'frenzies'.

A road (and ferry) trip to Lisbon and Porto (Portugal) with stops in Salamanca and Leon in Spain. A non-birding, city sight-seeing trip but always plenty to see if you love wildlife. Insects all in city parks and raptors over city centres. Plymouth to Santander ferry on 7/8, return 16/8.


Great Shearwater - 34+ total seen over the two crossings, plus hundreds in mixed, distant shearwater rafts.

Great Shearwater - some birds very close to ferry.

Cory's Shearwater - 28 positively identified but many 'large, distant 'shearwater sp' probably this species. Two or three Sooty Shearwaters seen too, but no skuas and no Balearics.

 Cory's Shearwater. Whilst a crowd gathered on the top deck to look for whales, I kept to the lowest possible deck (6 I think) in order to get as close to seabirds as possible. It meant I didn't do well for cetaceans with just Common Dolphin (lots of them), a couple Pilot Whales and a Fin Whale making the notebook.

Pallid Swift - Lisbon.

Juvenile Audoin's Gull - Belem, Lisbon. Totally unexpected whilst photographing Yellow-legged and Lesser Black-backed Gulls. 

Epaulet Skimmer

Spotless Starling - Lisbon.

Male Serin - Lisbon.

Hoopoe - Lisbon.

Blue-crowned Parakeet - Lisbon. This naturalised species was numerous, along with Ring-necked Parakeet. Very noisy too.

Iberian Blue-tailed Damselfly.

Scarlet Darter

Lesser Emperor is a new species for me.

Red-veined Darter - the most common species seen.

Fan-tailed Warbler (Zitting Cisticola).

Common Waxbill - another common, introduced species.

White Stork

Yellow-crowned Bishop - yet another introduced species, firmly established in the Lisbon area. Crested Mynas were also seen.

Glossy Ibises

Geranium Bronze - Porto.

Speckled Wood - Porto.

Juvenile Purple Heron - Porto.

Long-tailed Blue - Porto.

Willow Emerald Damselfly

Male Black Redstart.

Crag Martin - Porto.

Crag Martin - Porto.

Cinereous Vulture - Leon, Spain.

Griffon Vulture - Leon, Spain.

Feathered Footman - Leon, Spain.

Black Kite - Leon, Spain.

Dark morph Booted Eagle - Leon, Spain.


  1. Hi Matt, great to see your Portugal trip photos and report. I had a non-birding trip to Majorca in April and I agree if you love all wildlife and plants, it's like being in a candy store with exotic birds and insects all around to find and enjoy. Cheers John

  2. Many thanks John - yes agree. Always something of interest. Haven't been to Majorca for a very long time. Would love to go back. All the best. Matt.
