Monday 5 August 2024


 The third-summer Yellow-legged Gull is still frequenting the recycling centre.

A Great Skua was a hugely welcome sighting as it powered into a feeding Gannet flock around 0710 this morning. It arrived shortly after an Arctic Skua. The Bonxie was my first in/off Exmouth since October 29th 2021 which is pretty unbelievable. Scarcity thanks to Bird Flu, lack of sea-watching effort/badly-timed sea-watches and a dodgy scope all contributing factors I think. Hopefully this species will bounce back quickly and become a regular feature like it always used to be. Also from the raised beach huts this morning, between 0610 and 0720 - 43 Common Scoters, 2 Little Egrets, 1 Mediterranean Gull, 1 Shelduck, 3 shearwater sp (almost certainly Balearics) and 4 Sandwich Terns.
The Yellow-legged Gull was again in the recycling centre and off Mudbank - 16 Whimbrel, 210+ Mallard, 4 Common Gulls, 1 Mediterranean Gull, c15+ Sandwich Terns and 1 Common Tern.

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