Tuesday 17 August 2021

Copper Underwing

Copper Underwing.

Still painfully quiet bird-wise in Exmouth with 24 Whimbrel, 5 Common Gulls and a Mediterranean Gull off Mudbank. Yesterday - 1 Dunlin, 2 Ringed Plover, 26 Whimbrel, 95 Mallard and 6 Sandwich Terns.

Grey Poplar Bell Epinotia nisella.

 Fool's Parsley - fruits below.

I couldn't find a single migrant on Orcombe so resorted to counting crows - one field held 80+ Rooks and 30+ Jackdaws.

 Stone Parsley - there's masses of it growing at Maer Farm.

One of two Ring-necked Parakeets hiding in Maer Valley.

Mediterranean Gull.

Brown Argus - The Maer. Two found, both pictured...

Common Blue - a really tiny male.


  1. lovely to see the parakeets herd their was 12 sighted last week on devon bird s

  2. Hi - thank you for your comment. Only two for me today but haven't really been looking of late. A while back it seemed as though the population had split into two parts, at opposite ends of Maer Valley. Have heard birds recently, calling from the Maer, near the seafront, but no idea of numbers. Will post more if I have further sightings. All the best. Matt

    1. thanks mat was down couple weeks ago but only saw 2 as well

  3. Stone the crows! Not much going on bird-wise ... We must get out with some moth traps and a gennie and see what we can catch. Meanwhile, enjoying all the flowers you're posting.

  4. Thanks Nick - the birding should start picking up a bit (fingers crossed) but I would love to get out and do some mothing. Give me a shout when you've got some time. BTW - congrats on your Blair's Mocha - Budleigh strikes yet again. What a moth! Hopefully see you soon. All the best. Matt
