Sunday 26 October 2014

Ill Communication

Grey Phalarope - Budleigh.

I've been without a phone service now for over a week (steer clear of 'Go' mobile 'pay as you go'), so apologies if you've texted or phoned me and not got a reply. I finally got around to seeing the Budleigh Grey Phalarope this afternoon, cannily combining the twitch with a family dog walk. Well worth the effort if you've not already seen it. It was really nice to bump into Chris Townend and Helen and good to see Bob Bailey, back for his third helping of the phalarope!

Black-tailed Godwit - Budleigh.

Great Northern Diver heading east - Orcombe.

Derek, Nick and I covered Orcombe from first light this morning but it was disappointingly quiet. A few skuas were present, pretty distantly off the point, and they looked like mostly arctics (at least 2 nearer birds were definitely arctic skuas) though one clearly smaller individual was quite possibly a long-tailed (black juv type). Other birds seen this morning included 10+ robin, 6+ blackbird, 2 grey wagtail, 2+  goldcrest, 2 mediterranean gull, 2 mute swan, 1+ chiffchaff, c10+ meadow pipit, 8 pied wagtail, 4+ chaffinch, 13+ long-tailed tit, 1 reed bunting, 8 starling, 1 snipe, 3 bullfinch, 3+ song thrush, 1 great northern diver, c60+ jackdaw, 11 brent goose, 6 common scoter and 2 turnstone. Off Mudbank, as well as about 2000 wigeon, there were 3 shoveler, 2 teal, 6+ red-breasted merganser and good numbers of brent goose. An adult mediterranean gull and 70+ turnstone were also present.

Jackdaws heading west.

Common Marbled Carpet

Epirrita sp - November, Pale November or Autumnal Moth - not a clue!

Herring Gull

Brent Geese and standard disturbance off Mudbank (and many other sites on the Exe).

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