Tuesday 1 October 2024

Pec Sand and BW Stilt

Chuffed to find this Pectoral Sandpiper on Exminster Marshes this afternoon. Feel a bit jammy because I went there for the Black-winged Stilt - a very rare 'off patch' excursion. I first picked it up on its odd call as it flew over with 2 Snipe at 310pm. It landed in front of the viewing platform but promptly vanished. I started to doubt the id as I waited for ages with another gentleman (I wish I'd asked his name. Apologies if you're reading this) and later Andy Bond but it just wouldn't show. I got home and uploaded my swiftly-grabbed photos to realise that it is indeed a Pec. Note the size compared to Snipe, neatly marked 'pec' band and underwing pattern. I couldn't see any of this detail on the back of the camera. I've only ever found one before - way back in 1999 on Matford pools. Apparently it has since been showing from the viewing platform.

Below with a Snipe - a good size comparison.

Exminster Marshes - 1 Pectoral Sandpiper, 1 juv Spotted Redshank, 1 juv Black-winged Stilt, 80+ Coot and a Marsh Harrier of note.
Orcombe Point earlier - 1 Golden Plover, 1 Yellow Wagtail, 1 Little Egret, 200+ Meadow Pipits, 1 Stock Dove, 13+ Chiffchaffs, 16+ alba Wagtails, 30+ Swallows, 11+ Chaffinches, c50+ Goldfinches, 30+ Linnets, 7+ House Martins, 2+ Grey Wagtails,  and 2+ Siskins.
Mudbank - 6 'new' Pale-bellied Brent Geese joining at least 2 others. Also a juvenile Peregrine caught a Bar-tailed Godwit off there.

Black-winged Stilt.

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