Wednesday 23 October 2024

Common/Pallid Swift

Woodpigeons over Orcombe Point.

Masses of movement on Orcombe Point (from 0730 to 1040) and, for the most part, requiring a lot of concentration to establish the make-up of mixed finch flocks whilst trying to count Woodpigeons. Best was a Common/Pallid Swift which flew reasonably low south-west at 0753. I picked it up as it was pretty much overhead but it was just a fast-moving silhouette against the pale early morning sky and before long it was out over the bay and gone. Conservative counts were 16000+ Woodpigeons, a good count of 500+ Chaffinches, 3+ Brambling, 12 Swallows, c40 Pied Wagtails, c40 Meadow Pipits, 15+ Siskins, c170 Redwings, c80+ Goldfinches, 13+ Blackbirds, 11+ Song Thrushes, 13+ Greenfinches, 8+ Reed Buntings, c80+ Linnets, c40 Robins, 3 Goldcrests, 4 Chiffchaffs, 2 Rock Pipits, c300+ Jackdaws, 23 Starlings, 18+ Stock Doves (though many would have been missed in Woodpigeon flocks), 3 Bullfinches, 1 Coal Tit, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Grey Wagtails and 1 Sparrowhawk.
In the Maer carpark - the Yellow-browed Warbler, 1 Coal Tit, 2+ Chiffchaffs, 2 Siskins, 1 Jay, 2+ Goldcrests and 1 Green Woodpecker.
West Down Beacon - 2 or 3 Firecrests and 1+ Cirl Bunting below the golf course.
Mudbank - another brief visit but 50+ Pintail, c500 Dark-bellied Brent Geese, 10 Redshank, 1 Teal, 18+ Great Crested Grebes and 1 Kingfisher.

Coal Tit - Maer carpark.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Matt, It was good to meet you again today and enjoy the YBW, my first in Devon. Keep up with the excellent blog, it's great to follow your sightings and have insight into new locations. I find it inspirational to get out and see more, cheers John
