Friday 4 October 2024


South-easterlies always feel 'birdy' but Orcombe Point wasn't great this morning. I recorded just 6 Chiffchaffs, c30 Pied Wagtails, c90 Meadow Pipits, c40 Linnets, 2 Kestrels, c40 Goldfinches, 1 Grey Wagtail and 1 Little Egret.
Mudbank was much more rewarding with 1 female Garganey, c80 Teal, 200+ Pintail, c560 Dark-bellied Brent Geese, 8+ Pale-bellied Brent Geese, c100 Shelduck, 2 Sandwich Terns, 1 Kingfisher, 1 Mediterranean Gull, 2+ Greenshank and 1+ Skylark over. Nearby - 38 Little Egrets in Lower Halsdon Farm.
Shelly Beach - 1 Wheatear and c300 Starlings.

My second Garganey of the autumn, this time a female, was off Mudbank this morning. It stayed a while amongst the Wigeon before moving onto the edge of Cockle Sands. Garganey is by no means annual in Exmouth so each one is highly-prized.

 No Wheatears on Orcombe Point but this bird was on rooftops around Shelly Beach along with c300+ Starlings.

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