Thursday 10 February 2022


Nine of the Glossy Ibis flock was feeding in the field next to the water treatment works, along Maer Lane, this afternoon. The field had been sprayed with slurry and was attracting a number of crows and gulls, including a second-winter Mediterranean Gull. The birds had earlier been seen at Green Farm but they're clearly quite mobile, and happy to go where the food is. Lovely to see Luke and John P this afternoon. The only other birds of note along Maer Lane were a Kestrel and 3 Ring-necked Parakeets.
I checked the seafront on the way home but could only manage a flock of c12+ Common Scoters. They were extremely tight-packed and very difficult to count. A last-ditch look off Mudbank revealed 9 Pintail, the Spoonbill and a Greenshank. The 9 Glossy Ibis shot over at 1703 and the Cattle Egret flock, consisting of c70+ birds, flew over Starcross at  1713. The only other notable sighting today was an adult Mediterranean Gull that was feeding with Black-headed Gulls on Warren View playing fields first thing.

It was lovely to finally see the sun bouncing off the Ibises' plumage this afternoon - a beautiful mix of bottle-green and deep chestnut. Magic!

 Cattle Egrets flying to roost over Starcross.


  1. Still envious of all your Glossy Ibis! Hope we get some here soon- Rainham Marshes would be perfect for them!

    A few days ago I saw a photo of a large flock in the Camargue. I've been there twice, though not recently, & at the time there were none there. A rapid colonisation! Wonder whether 2022 will be the year of the first successful breeding in the UK?

  2. Hi Neil - a mate of mine texted me the other day to say a lot of the Spanish marshes are dry and Ibis-less, so I guess that's why birds are increasingly being found further north. I'm sure you're right about future colonisation. Global warming is unlikely to go into reverse anytime soon. having only recorded my first Exmouth Glossy last September, this flock has been a source of great excitement. They didn't fly over the house yesterday so I'm a bit bereft! All the best. Matt

  3. Bad news about the Spanish marshes. Had a wonderful time some years ago in Donana.
