Sunday 23 February 2020


Gadwall are a rare treat in Exmouth. A male was head-bobbing to a female just upriver from West Lodge late this afternoon. By the time I decided to try for a photo the pair had steamed further upriver, so my photo is truly awful (no surprises there). Three Goldeneye were diving mid-river but I didn't see much else of note.
The day started with a fairly brisk south-westerly which had died down by the afternoon. An early morning sea-watch from the raised beach huts, between shortly after dawn and 0825, produced counts of 14 Fulmar (all south), 2 Red-breasted Merganser, 3 diver sp, 4 Red-throated Diver and 4 Common Scoter. As well as a steady passage of Gannets and a few Kittiwakes there were several auks passing. I managed to pick out 2 Razorbill and 3 Guillemot amongst the nearer birds.


  1. I'm normally envious of some of your patch birds, Matt, but Gadwall is pretty common here. Really smart duck in good light. Should be getting your first Wheatear soon!

  2. Hi Neil - Gadwall is easy enough to find a couple miles upriver. Countess Wear is probably the best place but they don't like this end of the river because of the lack of freshwater. Having said that I get them at some point every year. Agree they're really smart birds but these two were grey 'dots'! Looking forward to the Wheatears but hope we get better numbers than last year. All the best. Matt
