Wednesday 21 June 2017

Bordered Straw and Scarlet Tiger

A pristine Bordered Straw - an immigrant and a species that I don't often see. The only other immigrants in an otherwise crowded trap were singles of Silver Y and Rusty-dot Pearl.
In near perfect mothing conditions, once again it was no surprise to find the trap filled with moths. With insufficient time to count them all, I recorded the species only, with the following comprising 62 macros: Lackey, Peach Blossom, Buff Arches, Figure of Eighty, Common Emerald, Small Blood-vein, Small Dusty Wave, Single Dotted Wave, Riband Wave, Garden Carpet, Yellow Shell, Barred Straw, Common Marbled Carpet, Barred Yellow, July Highflyer, Pretty Chalk Carpet, Haworth's Pug, Foxglove Pug, Common Pug, Grey Pug, V-Pug, Green Pug, Clouded Border, Sharp-angled Peacock, Brimstone Moth, Swallow-tailed Moth, Willow Beauty, Brussels Lace, Common Wave, Clouded Silver, Eyed Hawkmoth, Elephant Hawkmoth, Lobster Moth, Dingy Footman, Hoary Footman, Buff Ermine, Scarlet Tiger, Cinnabar, Heart and Club, The Flame, Flame Shoulder, Large Yellow Underwing, Small Square-spot, Square-spot Rustic, Bright-line Brown-eye, Smoky Wainscot, L-album Wainscot, Coronet, Small Angle Shades, Angle Shades, Dark Arches, Light Arches, Dusky Brocade, Minor Agg, Uncertain, Mottled Rustic, Bordered Straw, Silver Y, Beautiful Hook-tip, Snout, Fan-foot and Small Fan-foot.
Micros included Dichrorampha flavidorsana or f. alpinana, Gold Triangle, Garden Pebble, Small Magpie, Rusty-dot Pearl, Bee Moth, Thistle Ermine, Brindled Plume, Crescent Plume, Codling Moth, Elder Pearl and Garden Grass-veneer.

Pretty Chalk Carpet - my second ever. The first was in central France a fair few years ago.

Chafer sp?

Scarlet Tiger - the first one that I've ever photographed, despite having seen a few in the past. It's also the first one that I've ever trapped.

Lobster Moth

Beautiful Hook-tip

Dichrorampha flavidorsana or f. alpinana

Hoary Footman

Peach Blossom

Gold Triangle

Brindled Plume - Amblyptilia punctidactyla

Crescent Plume - Marasmarcha lunaedactyla

July Highflyer

Eyed Hawkmoth - 2 in the trap this morning, along with a few Elephant Hawkmoths.

Eudonia or Scoparia sp


  1. Hi Matt, Sorry I didn't get over for these moths. Would have loved to see them :(
    Think your last one is Eudonia mercurella, but not 100% sure.

  2. Hi Matt, the beetle is Amphimallon solstitiale, Summer Chafer, cheers, Tim
