Saturday 20 December 2014

Yellow-legged Gull

A large adult yellow-legged gull on a brief look at the Otter this afternoon. Also 3 snipe and the drake teal x wigeon hybrid. I would have liked a better look at the wing tip on this bird but it was always distant, on the opposite side of the river, and I missed the opportunity to get a proper look at it when the flock was spooked. The large size, clean white head, dark grey upperparts and straw yellow legs are all good yellow-legged features and I see no reason to suspect it's a hybrid.



  1. Thanks for the text Matt - sorry I couldn't make it. Good bird. Glad you scored the Teal x Wigeon hybrid too!

  2. Hi Chris - not great numbers of gulls on the river yet but hopefully that will change. Forgot to mention a prob juv sinensis cormorant on the river too. Hopefully see you soon.
