Thursday 18 October 2018

Short-eared Owl and Redstart

A Redpoll over the garden whilst I opened the moth trap this morning hinted at it being a good day, so I spent eight hours at work wondering what I was missing. I could even hear Skylarks going over as I was supervising miscreants in the 'Time Out' room, which didn't help! Texts from Lee and Keith confirmed there was lots turning up locally so I shot up to Orcombe as soon as work finished.
Best bird was a beautiful Short-eared Owl that was hunting the top fields for at least two hours until dusk. Also recorded was 1 Redstart, 1 Wheatear, a high count of 11+ Stonechat, 1 Siskin, 70+ Woodpigeon, c20+ Skylark, c50+ Meadow Pipit, 15 Starling, 1 Grey Wagtail and 6+ Chiffchaff.
Off Mudbank - 67+ Black-tailed Godwit, 57+ Redshank, 4 Dunlin and c80+ Turnstone with high and uncounted numbers of wildfowl. Yesterday there were 4 Greylag Geese off there.
An early morning pre-work spell on Orcombe on the 16th produced 2 Goldcrest, 6+ Song Thrush, 1 Lapwing, 1 Snipe and 3 Wheatear amongst a few other bits and pieces.

Presumed first-winter male Redstart - my first on Orcombe this autumn and a bit of a late one.

Meadow Pipit


Green-brindled Crescent

Large Wainscot

Vestal - other immigrant species were 1 Rush Veneer, 2 Rusty Dot Pearl, 2 Silver Y and a Dark Sword-grass.

Pine Carpet

Chestnut - other species trapped last night included L-album Wainscot, Black Rustic, Setaceous Hebrew Character, Angle Shades, Red-line Quaker, Barred Sallow, Feathered Ranunculus, Lunar Underwing, Double-striped Pug, Common Marbled Carpet, Large Yellow Underwing, Lesser Yellow Underwing, Light Brown Apple Moth and a very late Apple Leaf Skeletoniser.

Song Thrush - part of a small arrival on Orcombe on Tuesday morning.

Plenty of stuff to see off Mudbank at the moment....
The Short-eared Owl was still hunting the top fields at dusk.


  1. Just seen your post from Thursday here. We had an SEO over at Otterton the same morning when we did the Cirl Bunting survey ... same bird maybe?

  2. Hi Nick - who knows? They had a couple at the Warren and birds were seen at Exminster and Lympstone so certainly a decent arrival and possibly all different birds? Further birds were seen in the area the following day. Cheers. Matt

  3. Lot going on at home by the looks of things? Lovely

    1. Hi Derek - always something to see. Look forward to birding with you soon. Are you still back in November? Matt
