Friday 22 December 2017

Glauc and Pom

Juvenile Glaucous Gull - found by Lee on the Warren this morning. I waited on the seafront until it lumbered over to Exmouth - many thanks for all the info Lee.
Lots of birds off the seafront this morning - the highlight being a juvenile Glaucous Gull that flew from the Warren in to Exmouth. Whilst waiting for the 'Glauc' I picked up a Pomarine Skua, attracted in to the bay by a feeding flock of Gannets and gulls. It's almost certainly the individual seen by Lee yesterday, sporting a white belly and therefore presumably a second calendar year bird?
Also offshore - 5+ Red-throated Diver, 2/3 Great Northern Diver, 1 Eider and c30+ Great Crested Grebe. I reckon c150/200+ Gannet but that's only a rough estimate.
Off Mudbank - 50+ Grey Plover, 2 Knot, c1/200+ Dunlin and the Long-tailed Duck, along with 6 Red-breasted Merganser, 94 Mallard and just 13 Wigeon. 
Yesterday - 3 Eider off the seafront and on the 20th - 4 Goldeneye off Mudbank, including my first drake of the winter.
Large numbers of birds off the seafront this morning including a feeding flock of c150/200+ Gannet.
Presumed 2nd calendar year Pomarine Skua - Lee had this bird yesterday and I watched it loop into the bay and back out this morning. Another crap photo but it's a first for the blog so it stays! Might want to click on it though.
Male Bullfinch photographed along the cycle path late yesterday afternoon.
Female Crossbill - Many hours of dog-walking on the Commons this week has resulted in small numbers of Common Crossbill, lots of Brambling (biggest single flock - c30+ Woodbury Fort), Redpoll (biggest flocks c30+ - Colaton Raleigh Common and c20+ Lympstone Common), several Linnet, Siskin and Redwing with the odd Dartford Warbler and Mistle Thrush too.

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