Monday 14 August 2017

Bloxworth Snout and Bulrush Wainscot

Bloxworth Snout - according to 'Waring and Townsend' the first colony of this species was discovered in Torbay in 1990 and since then it has spread east into Dorset and west into Cornwall. By all accounts it seems to be doing pretty well, though it's still considered a scarce and localised species. It takes its name from Bloxworth in Dorset, where the very first British specimen was obtained on September 21st 1884. The larvae feed on Pellitory-of-the-wall and the moths are usually found on south-facing cliffs, in sheltered areas where the foodplant grows.
Martin popped over to see the Bloxworth Snout and brought with him a Bulrush Wainscot - another brand new species for me. He was a bit perplexed, as was I, as his house is at the top of a big hill in the Blackdown Hills - some way away from any obvious fresh water. The nearest fishing ponds are some way off but are presumably the origin of this wanderer. Otherwise in the garden trap this morning - immigrant Silver Y, Dark Sword-grass, Rush Veneer and Rusty-dot Pearl. Other species included Gold-spot, Magpie Moth, Jersey Tiger and Ruby Tiger amongst the expected regulars.
Bird-wise - the morning again started with the juvenile White-winged Black Tern, this time on a sandbar between the lifeboat station and Orcombe Point. Also off there - 130+ Sandwich Tern, 20+ Common Tern, 1+ Mediterranean Gull, 1 Little Egret and 2 Great Crested Grebe.
Orcombe, in the drizzle, produced 7 Tree Pipits (including 4 together, flushed from long grass), 4 Swift and a probable Grasshopper Warbler, flushed and seen only briefly in flight).
A quick look off Mudbank was a bit disappointing but did reveal 2 more Black-tailed Godwit, 3 adult Mediterranean Gull and another Swift.
Bulrush Wainscot - thanks Martin!

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