Sunday, 2 February 2025

New Number

My phone packed up so I have a new one and a new number. With it went all my contacts so apologies if you've tried to contact me and I've not replied. I'm in the process of getting hold of those lost numbers but it may take me a while...

The brook (from Park Road) was a hive of activity today with Black Redstart, at least 1 Chiffchaff, a male Blackcap and a Firecrest appearing in back gardens in the short time I was stood watching.
Earlier, a quick look off Maer Rocks produced 4 Red-throated Divers and a Common Scoter. Mudbank - the wintering Cetti's Warbler appeared for the first time this year and off there - 65+ Bar-tailed Godwits, c90 Knot, 23 Sanderlings, c120 Common Gulls, 1 Mediterranean Gull, c40 Wigeon, 1 Greenshank and 7 Red-breasted Mergansers.
A bit of late news from 31/1 - a Goshawk up with 5 Buzzards across the other side of the river and off Mudbank - c100 Wigeon and 21 Pintail. A flock of 15 + Linnets was on Orcombe and off the seafront - 8+ Great Crested Grebes and male Common Scoter.


Black Redstart.

The Little Grebe is still on Bystock Pool.

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