Friday 5 July 2024


A nice close encounter with this male Sparrowhawk down at the marina this morning.

I looked at the sea from 0530 - 0635 this morning. Nothing out of the ordinary but 9+ Sandwich Terns, 6 Mediterranean Gulls, 4 Common Scoters, 1 Great Northern Diver, 4 Manx Shearwaters and 1 Black-headed Gull scraped into the notebook. Two Great Crested Grebes flew in from the east and settled offshore. Nearby, off the Imperial rec/Shelly Beach - 4+ Mediterranean Gulls, 5+ Sandwich Terns and the 6 Eiders (way over towards Cockwood Corner). A single Bar-tailed Godwit was the only notable sighting off Mudbank.
Yesterday off Mudbank - my first Common Sandpiper of the summer. Also 1 immature Peregrine, 1+ Mediterranean Gull, 1 Sparrowhawk, 1 Kestrel, 3+ Sandwich Terns and just 1 Whimbrel.
A late look off the seafront produced at least 1 Common Dolphin and 4 Manx Shearwaters.

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