Friday 14 June 2024


Yesterday - a forty minute sea-watch from the raised beach huts, after work, produced 105+ Manx Shearwaters and 2 Fulmars south. Visibility was dreadful though so I'm sure I missed stuff. 
The most Swifts I've seen together over the town in Exmouth, this summer, is six birds. On Monday a pair were inspecting our neighbours' roof and I enjoyed watching them whiz up and down our road at head height for several minutes. Three birds were then hanging around for a while afterwards. In the morning a flock of 23 flew west across the river, into a headwind - a significant number given the low number of local birds. Also on Monday - 3 Red Kites west. Two went really low over the river at 0840 and a single bird crossed at 1040. Otherwise just 5 Whimbrel off Mudbank, along with a hunting Kestrel and Sparrowhawk. A Peregrine was over the house.

Red Kite - Hurn, Dorset. I see Red Kites from the car pretty much every time I'm working up in Dorset.

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