Sunday 13 September 2020


Wheatear. Two seen yesterday, including this juvenile. Just one seen today.

A nice clear morning on Orcombe produced some overhead movement. Siskins were the main feature with at least 177 recorded although that total includes single calls, where flocks weren't seen, so the true total is most likely considerably higher. The largest flock size noted was 17 though most flocks contained more than ten birds. Also noted today - 110+ Meadow Pipit, 6+ Skylark, 9+ Chaffinch, 12+ Grey Wagtail, 6+ Yellow Wagtail, 1+ 'alba' wagtail, 3 Whitethroat, 8 Chiffchaff, 1 Jay, 9+ Swallow, 6+ Goldfinch, 1 or 2 Spotted Flycatcher, 2 Stonechat, 1 Whinchat, 3 Blackcap, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker and 1 Wheatear, with small numbers of Jackdaw, Greenfinch and Woodpigeon apparently on the move. 

Also of note today - 2 Pochard and 6 Tufted Duck at Blackhill Quarry, and off Mudbank - 1 Mediterranean Gull, 13 Brent Goose, 4 Whimbrel, 2 Greenshank, 8 Common Gull, 27 Shelduck and 2 juvenile Bar-tailed Godwit.

Yesterday on Orcombe - my first Reed Bunting of the autumn, 4+ Yellow Wagtail, 2 Wheatear, 40+ Siskin and a few other bits and pieces.

At least 4 Yellow Wagtails in with cattle yesterday. At least six seen this morning.

Small Copper

Centre-barred Sallow

Rosy Rustic

Feathered Ranunculus

Light Emerald

Lunar Underwing

 Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet


  1. Very smart juv Wheatear & some nice moths. I was surprised to find a local Vestal on Sunday.

  2. Hi Neil - having a good Vestal year down here. Last time we had high numbers of Vestals I found a Crimson Speckled so fingers crossed...
    Cheers. Matt
