Wednesday 21 August 2019

Large Fruit-tree Tortrix

Large Fruit-tree Tortrix (male) - Archips podana
Still struggling bird-wise in Exmouth and there wasn't too much in the moth trap either. An early morning stroll on Orcombe produced nothing more than 3+ Tree Pipit, c20/30+ Swallow and 6+ House Martin.
The best thing off Mudbank was a Snipe that was flying around calling before heading off east. Also eight Common Gull off there and at least 8 Common Tern in with 20/30+ Sandwich Terns.

Yponomeuta sp

Common Toadflax - many thanks Neil!

Rush Veneer

 Straw Conch - Cochylimorpha straminea

Common Marble - Celypha lacunana
Sparrowhawk on the back garden fence.

1 comment:

  1. Noticed you put no name on the yellow flower, which is Common Toadflax.

    Good shot of the Sparrowhawk.
