Saturday 26 October 2024

pm edit - GWE, Cetti's W, R-b Merg

Photographed from the back garden this evening - this Great White Egret is an overdue first for the year for me in Exmouth. Feeding with a Grey Heron, Little Egrets and Black-headed Gulls as the sun set.

A bit disappointing this morning and I wasn't really in the mood for counting Woodpigeons but c10200 logged, many of which heading directly south and out to sea which is unusual. Many passerines just too high and lots 'let go' with no calls to go on. Occasionally I'd scan way back over Exmouth town and it was clear that birds were moving distantly and high west too. I just know my totals are well below the actual numbers moving today. Anyway, species that didn't evade identification or escape my gaze/ears included 1 Redpoll, 1+ Redwing, 1 Siskin, 60+ Chaffinches, c50+ Meadow Pipits, 180+ Jackdaws, 20+ Skylarks, c60 Starlings, c80+ Goldfinches, 4 Rooks, 1 Bullfinch, 10+ Greenfinches, 3 Chiffchaffs, 7 Stonechats, 2 Grey wagtails, 20+ Pied Wagtails, c20+ Linnets, 6 Song Thrushes, 11 Blackbirds, 6 Goldcrests and 40+ Robins.
A Great White Egret was off Mudbank this evening (picked up from the back garden). Also, my first Red-breasted Merganser of the autumn was off Mudbank and a Cetti's Warbler was calling in scrub there. My gut feeling is that it's one of a couple birds that normally winter there but of course I have no way of proving that. I didn't count Wigeon or Brent Geese but did log c70 Turnstones, 28 Redshank, 8 Bar-tailed Godwits, 7 Black-tailed Godwits, 188 Shelduck, c170 Pintail, 8 Greenshank, 9 Dunlin, 24 Great Crested Grebes, 3 Teal, 1 Goldcrest, 1+ Coal Tit, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker and 25+ Ringed Plovers.


A little increase in Stonechat numbers today with seven logged. It's been a relatively poor autumn for them so far.

Sparrowhawk - Orcombe Point.

Two of this morning's five Jays.

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