Sunday 30 June 2024

June Juv YLG!

A brief juvenile Yellow-legged Gull off Mudbank today. Seen around midday, it's my earliest ever and first in June. It headed off in an easterly direction. Let's hope it's a good summer for them. Also off there - 52 Black-headed Gulls and 10 Sandwich Terns on the rising tide. A group of 6 Sand Martins headed upriver and a Goshawk circled high above the river. A productive forty-five minutes in contrast to the rest of the month!
Early morning off Maer Rocks - 10 Swift headed out across the bay and c85 Kittiwakes were feeding distantly offshore. Mediterranean Gulls totalled just 3 and the 6 Eider were further along the seafront, off the Warren.

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